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A Rough Decision I Have To Make

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This might be rather lengthy but I need to talk to someone about it and I'm not really sure where to put it but this looks good.


Okay here's the situation. I'm 18 years old. I'm currently living with my mom, grandma, and two sisters. I'm currently unemployeed. I can't seem to get hired in anywhere. I've applied at (and yes I've actually kept count of the places) 18 places and routinely checked to see the status of my application and not a single one of them has returned any positive results. My mom isn't employeed because she's a natural lazy (choice word) and doesn't want to work for her money. She wants other people to support her. My grandma can't work because she is on disability from emphysema and my sisters aren't working because they are both young and still in school. So basically this house hold thrives on SSI and child support.


The current debacle is that I have a future ahead of me. I have so many ideas and so many things that I want to accomplish. I want to do more and be more. I want to make something of myself. Obviously that isn't going to happen by me staying here. The problem is I'm not sure if I should leave here and go to a relative's house. I feel like I'd be denying my flesh and blood but they're holding me back from doing so much in life. Is there anyway I can get over this hump and gain the confidence to leave here?

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Maybe you could live with another relative, or just keep applying for jobs eventually you'll get one.


Maybe go to a local community college and speak with a counselor they might be able to hook you up with a job.


The military is always an option if thats what you really want to do.


If you can, try to go to school. Thats a good starting place. 1. someone is always looking for a room mate and 2. employers are always looking for college students to hire. good luck.

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I think maybe what you need to do is identify a couple goals, and start taking steps toward them. Have you asked your mom and Grandma to support you in any of your endeavors? I don't think you necessarily need to leave your house, because it is not your family who is holding you back. Only YOU can hold you back. You need to realize that you are in complete control of your life. YOU always have the power to make choices, and it is those choices that create your life as it is. You can choose to not be affected by any negativity your family might be aiming toward you. This sounds difficult I'm sure, but it can be done. They key here is that you need to take full responsability for your life. I'm 24 and, please believe me when I say I've gone through this. I was married at 22 and am now divorced, and I've been on a long and hard path to finally taking ownership for my life and my decisions. I think you also need to start positively affirming your intelligence, skills, ability to succeed, etc. Literally, sit down and write out such things as "I am smart" "I can obtain any job I want" 'I am awesome". Positively affirming yourself is SO important!!!! Especially when you're around people that are negative. You must remember that YOU are awesome! YOU have the power to create your life however you want it!!!!


I'm sure this sounse a little cliche, but it's soooooooooooooo true!!!


With regards to the 18 jobs that you've applied for, consider these thoughts:

- Did a part of you not want those particular jobs?

- Did you ever have thoughts like "I'll never get this"?

- Did you really take the proper amount of time and care filling out the apps?


If you answered No to any of those questions, try changing your thoughts a little bit the next time you fill out a couple applications. Make sure you feel that you REALLY want that job, and that you REALLY want to succeed, tell yourself "I will have a job that I enjoy!". And of course, take a lot of time to fill out the apps carefully and completely so there are no errors nor blanks!!


Good luck!!

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What sort of jobs are you applying for?


Are you limiting yourself to certain types of jobs?


Do you have transportation, either public or a bike, car, etc?


Perhaps widening your job search may help, both in geographical area and in types of jobs.

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