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Right thing or wrong, wait or go for it?

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Hey I have been talkin to this guy from my school for a few months and we have gotten pretty close. We talk on the interent everyday and we have chilled n stuff.


Well last night me n my friend Loren met this kid John n then after he came back to my house, take it that we flirt alot n will joke around on the internet n stuff like ill be like im gettin in the shower n hes like aight ill be right over or just stuff bout kissin n stuff so ne ways he comes back to my house n I had wanted to kiss John about three times but I wasnt sure if he wanted me to or not so I didnt but then my friend went in my kitchen n he was right near me so I slowly leaned over n we kissed him, he tongued I didnt just cause I dunno im stupid like that lol n it was spur a the moment so I didnt think fast enough.But then after nothin happened.


So after he left at like 430 in the morning he got home n I was online n stuff n I was like im sory bout this kissin thing n all but I figured hey its worth a try so I took a risk (kissing is no biggie really to me) n I wasnt sure if it was wanted or whatever. So John was like no its cool I didnt mind n all n hes like I was gonna make a move but I didnt kno if you

wanted me to ( I dont know if he really wanted to or was just sayin it).


So after I was like b4 I get to connected n i go over my boundries n stuff do u think there will ever be a you and me n he was like yea I do but just not yet cause I dont wanna rush n all n I wanna get back on my feet again cause he was just arrested for eggin a car with some friends, which I can understad I have no problem with that cause I dont wanna rush either, so I was liek aight I feel that same thats cool. So then I was like well was that a nice way a sayin no more of those unexpected kisses n hes like no thats not it those r cool.


But the thing is his ex gf's friends hjate me n stuff n there all jealouys n stuff n told me not to talk to him but sorry I dont let ne one tell me what to do so I dunno if it will work out or what.


SO my first question is do you think I should shot for a kiss again or maybe take it a step farther or let him make the first move? Then the second part is well if my parents knew he was arrested they would not be happy at all n prob not let me hang out with him but I look at it as he was havin fun he got caught it wasnt like he robbed a car so it dosent bother me but do you think I should just take the risk n follow my heart and just not tell my parents n hope they dont find out, or does it sound like John isidsnt really interested n he just didnt wanna make me look stupid by backin away? Help what to do what to do?

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  • 1 month later...

hey i kinda no ur situation...about telling ur parents...i think u should you never no they might be cool with it... the guy i like is 16 and has a yr old son..and since im the youngest in my family i learned frm my sisters mistakes...she kept everything a secrete..then she got cought doing somethin and everything came out ... she was depressed 4ever but shes fine now..so when i found out that the guy i liked he a son i just let my mom no so maybe she would take it a bit easier on me later if/when she finds out more...so the more you hold and the longer u hide the more troble u'll be in if they find out later...and i dont think he was just messin around w- u..u said that u were friends b4 so depends on how good of friends you were...bnut let him make the 1st move next time and if it all works out thats great! good luck!................and i no its been like a mounth since u posted this but i hope everything worked out 4 u...,.

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