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The atypical need for advice I hope

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I was gonna put this this friendships but im not sure, I need as many different inputs as possible please.


Please think of this as entertainment as that may just be what it is supposed to be for me. The wife of a sports buddy I play basketball with often has started to spend essenetially all of her free time texting me as a friend and we have talked about everything under the sun in the last few months. We joke with eachother so much that it kinda gets personal and the catch is it's supposed to be a joke. She acts like she's not intersted, yet she keps on texting me. I essentially play off her jokes yet somehow the jokes get so deep between us. Thing is were just supossed to be friends but to me, we shouldnt be joking the way we do if we are just gonna be friends yet it keeps on going. She texts me daily and she really is a good friend and this is not my style because marriage is sacred to me. Prob is I'm pretty sure they got married way too young and I feel they really didnt understand eachother as they should prior to marriage. Fortunately, I am blessed because I havent reached that level yet haha.

Anyway, I have to admit that part of me likes her more than a friend and I don't want to get over my head but its hard not to cuz Im a romantic not a player. I like her more than I should and I think its mutual.


Just wanna know what others would do if they have been or are in similar shoes. What would you do? Thanx.

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The wife of a sports buddy I play basketball with often has started to spend essenetially all of her free time texting me as a friend and we have talked about everything under the sun in the last few months.


How does her husband feel about this growing closeness between you? Is it such a huge joke between all THREE of you, or just you and his wife? If it's a private joke, big alarm bells. Actually, big alarm bells anyway, because you are falling for her.


Personally, I would back off, and cool the intimacy between you. You know, stop the texting (or take a few days to reply); take it back down to friends level, and think about other women. If you can't cool it down between you, then I guess you have your answer - and then I guess (if I were you) I would withdraw completely. I respect that you see marriage as sacred, but also, to be honest if you carry on with this woman you are setting yourself up for an awful lot of pain.


Good luck.

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How does her husband feel about this growing closeness between you? Is it such a huge joke between all THREE of you, or just you and his wife? If it's a private joke, big alarm bells. Actually, big alarm bells anyway, because you are falling for her.



I know I m falling 4 her. It's hard 2 walk away as I don't have many options when it comes to women. The husband sees us as friends as it originally was. They got married out of lust not understanding and they both are gradually realizing that now. The good thing is they are so young. I'll stop now.

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