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I Said goodbye


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Well. I sent her an IM. I said I am saying goodbye. Every day that I long for her to cme back kills me more and more each day. I wished her the best of luck in everything she does, and then I blocked her on AIM. I then deleted her. I am crying for the fist time in months.. This girl meant more than the world to me and the fact that i'm saying goodbye right now feels like im saying goodbye on day one. Its done. I always thought she would have come around... I acceptetd its not going to happen. I am trying my hardest right now to say goodbye. I deleted her from Facebook, and now she is just a stranger. I guess it had to ben done sooner or later. i havent cried in 6 months. I loved her so much. Goodbye Abbie.

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Well. I sent her an IM. I said I am saying goodbye. Every day that I long for her to cme back kills me more and more each day. I wished her the best of luck in everything she does, and then I blocked her on AIM. I then deleted her. I am crying for the fist time in months.. This girl meant more than the world to me and the fact that i'm saying goodbye right now feels like im saying goodbye on day one. Its done. I always thought she would have come around... I acceptetd its not going to happen. I am trying my hardest right now to say goodbye. I deleted her from Facebook, and now she is just a stranger. I guess it had to ben done sooner or later. i havent cried in 6 months. I loved her so much. Goodbye Abbie.


Hang in there my friend. I did the same finally today.

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Hi there fake name,


I was in your situation a few months back, I new the right thing to do was say goodbye. Fortunately and through much effort I now have my sanity back, I was not seeing straight. I know it is hard to see right now but in a few months time you will feel awesome. Feel it inside you because you took the positive step of ending what made you feel unhappy, you will better off in the end... And this is because of a decision YOU made and NOT her, give yourself a pat on the back for that.


I suggest you take this time to find yourself again, hang in there... it gets better I promise.



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fake name,

You have taken the first step to feeling better mate. The fact that you have taken steps to get her out of your life (deleting IM etc.) shows that you are genuine about it and aren't relying on her for your happiness anymore.

That is a HUGE step to take, but one that is definitely in your best interests.

Too many people (and I have been guilty in the past) spend far too long doing things to get a reaction from an ex - you have drawn your line in the sand, said "enough is enough" and are now moving on.


You may not see it now, but you will look back at this as the moment you took your life back and you will also see that it was 100% the right thing to do.


Be sad, but be proud bro.

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Wow everyone. Thanks for your reply. I have to say, that I had some wine to drink last night, and that really brings out the emotions in me. I woke up and asked myself what the hell have I done, But I realize more and more that having her on AIM means nothing but a constant reminder. Its like games, she had me blocked for a while after the breakup (for about 3 months), i wished her a happy birthday back in june, she unblocked me, and hasnt started a single conversation with me. We'll both be online and not say a word to each other. Its like its all games. She says she "doesnt want to lead me on"..well at least she's honest. She knows where to reach me if the need be and I only want to hear it if she has something worth my time to hear. I feel I have made huge strides in my healing.


I knew all along that always checking her away message and checking up on her facebook, daily, was doing nothing but hurting me, but I couldnt help it. So I feel releived now.


She doesn't control my happiness anymore, and I know very well that i'm not a piece of meat to be thrown around by a girl, I dont care who. No matter how bad things got between us (and believe me, they never really got bad), not once would I consider breaking up with her. So for her to just throw it all away speeks a lot on its own. I can't forget that. I would have assumed that if I broke up with her that it would be game over completely between us. Sadly, I have realized that I gave her the luxuory of knowing she can pop in and out of my life as she pleases. Not any more.


As a side note, I am completely open to dating girls and have a great time when I go out. Went on a blind date last night, the girl just wasnt attractive to me and we really shared no interests at all. But I went in with an open mind and figured hey, you never know.

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Fakename, you should be so proud of yourself, you are doing GREAT, it's such a difficult thing to have the maturity and be honest enough with ourselves to "let go".. but once we do it, and we stop the "resistance" and we instead choose to live in "acceptance" it all works out. Day by day your heart will get stronger, you will get the gift of clarity... it's amazing how much better I felt after I FINALLY started no contact, sure I cried my eyes out, felt "desperate" to call the ex at times, but "no contact" one day at a time is the key to your own happiness... and if anything is meant to be with the ex this is the ONLY way to find out... hang in there, you're doing great...

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