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I'm a dude and I find some guys hot and good looking, but I wouldn't want to have sex with a dude. I also find girls hot and good looking, and I am attracted to girls sexually.


I don't like the female attitude. Its sick and it pisses me off. Its sick how many guys they have sex with and how they don't close their legs. Its just sick how they treat men.


Believe me. I live with 2 girls. One has a boyfriend and one is single. The one with a boyfriend is such a * * * * and cheater. The single one, the number of her guy friends seem endless. I have only seen maybe 2 of her chick friends at the house.


I have never had a close relationship girl or dude by the way.


Am I bisexual? Asexual? Enlightened? Staight?

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Don't judge the entire female race by those 2 girls. Thats unfair.


Attraction... well.. I can honestly say that I am hetero-sexual, I love men... find them attractive and find them sexually stimulating.


I do find women attractive as well. I can look at a good looking female and appreciate the female form. but I don't think that makes me "bi". I don't feel any particular yen to make out or expierment with sex with them.


Maybe its my artistic eye... I can see beauty in many things and people..and appreciate it. But it doesn't have to "label" me as being one way or another.


Have not met a woman yet who'd make me flip. So there you have it.

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Just cause you think a guy is hot or good looking doesnt make you gay or bi.I think there's alot of girls that are hot but im not gay.But you may have to wait till you get in more serious and close relationships before you can be sure.Thats just my advice.

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"Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be divided into sheeps and goats. Not all things are black nor all things white. It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories. Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separated pigeon-holes. The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects. The sooner we learn this concerning human sexual behavior, the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex."

-Alfred Kinsey, Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male

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Hun, being a woman, I don't even like the female attitude half the time. Women are catty, mean, gossippy, twofaced, and judgmental. I've been told I think more like a man. (I don't mean offence to anyone by this comment)... I have more guy friends then girlfriends. Guys are just easier to be friends with. They are loyal, laid back, and usually pretty trustworthy as friends.


The fact that you find guys attractive doesn't make you Bi. You said you'd never want to have sex with a dude right? That should answer your question.

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are your basing your sexuality on the thesis youve created from 2 women you live with?


im sorry but the last time i looked at the population count.. there are billions of us.. putting some women of that nature (optional anyway!) in about 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000*1 %


anywho. the question stands.. it may well be that your bicurious.

if you find yourself attracted to a man doesnt necessarily mean your bisexual tho, i can find women attractive but im fully aware that im straight.

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I'm with aggierocker...majority of chicks I have encounter were for a better term pigs. I went on a date maybe two weeks ago. I wasn't in the chicks house for more then 15 minutes before she jumped on me.


As for you being bi...as long as you don't start touching the same sex...you'll be ok. I don't think I would go around using the term "hot"...maybe just say...he is a good looking guy.



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aggie- And what about guys? You seriously think guys are any better? The majority of us are just emotionless sex machines looking for a * * * * * to open up her legs for us...which is why "all women" as you say are like that: because we, as men, expect them to be.


Women are the fairer, more intelligent race. But men can never be satisfied. At first, it was keeping them captive in the kitchen. But now, it's expecting to get some from every random girl you meet. Because women (generally, and I hate using stereotypes) are less aggressive and willing to fight, they comply....or at least, the weak-minded ones comply and open right up.


And it's like following a trend- once the "popular" or "cool" people start doing it, then the sheep follow...lucky there are a few strays that keep humanity sane.


And it's egotistical, sexist pigs like you who give us men a bad name.


I realize what you're thinking - "you're only 17, you're hardly a man yet." But you're 19, and what're two years?


DBL - what's wrong with using a word? A word is just a word, especially since it's not meant to be derogatory. And what do you mean, "you'll be okay?" Are you implying there's something "not okay" with being bi/gay? I realize that alot of people share your view, and I understand it so much more now that I'm opening up to people about my bisexuality, so it's understandable that people would want to go along with what's popular.


And Hemorrhage? You're 15. I realize I'm only 17, but I did share your views at 15. Grow up. Trust me, it helps.

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Hm, well it appears everyone has pretty much nailed down their thoughts on the comment issue but I'll still add in my two cents with what its worth.


Personally, it would be an overgeneralization and I suppose it would be understandable to think as such if the majority of female interaction you've encountered has been with that attitude and generalized mindset.


Though, my advice would be to seek women outside these two. For myself as a woman, I absolutely cannot stand the women who argue, complain, have no obvious rational thought process, use and abuse others. Myself, my girlfriend, and those few females which I have as friends all follow this attitude because I can't cope with those whom have nothing more productive to do with their time than gossip whether they're Lesbians or Heterosexual women. Doesn't matter its a relative flat line.


Secondly, even though I am a Lesbian, I'm not beauty blind so to speak. If someone is speaking of a man I can tell whether he is a handsome portion of the human species, regardless, its aesthetically without any sexual basis. I have no interest to ever do anything with him and there is no emotional or physical pull towards the man, just a glance to affirm yes he is a healthy well off being of the male side. Period.


That may typically be what you're doing too. Additionally in my experience with dealing with people, when certain individuals become discouraged by the opposite sex which their interest remained at prior there seems to be this take over and what if that comes with the discouragement when they happen to be doing what used to be simple casual aesthetic thinking about others.


To be * * * * * in my book, you need a well rounded attraction (Mental, Emotional, Physical). Some require you only need a sexual attraction but nothing further. Regardless, it seems like you don't have any of those pulls and thus highly, highly unlikely you're Bisexual.


I guess at best it would just rate you as being open minded towards the same sex in terms of looks and no so threatened by the honest thought of who is and isn't attraction, opposite or same gender.


Though, if it is really bothering you, you could always do the sit down and run an analysis on yourself. Your beliefs, your thoughts, the events, what does and doesn't work, what you're interested in, what you're not, what is conscious what is based on subconscious, so on and so forth kind of basics and think what all this really means to you. Like you said there is no Sexual interest so we here just kind of assume its an Aesthetic thing but who knows, there may be something more to this case that only you know that we don't as we don't know you personally and most certainly are not you and can't answer and analyze every bit of information to make a complete flowing image of the situation as you can.

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My relationships may have not been deep, but I have my categories for girls.


Scally wag- She's pretty and she knows it. You find these fanny bags at clubs, drunk, and all over men and each other. They drive a Mustang. Their puke smells the same as that fat a** on the street.


What the f***- She's in denial but she acts like a scally wag. She's trying to make changes in her life but she doesn't know what the f*** shes doing with her life. Lay off the weed chick.


Goofy a** chick- She'll do anything because she doesn't care what other people think. She'll have different kinds of friends big and small because she doesn't care what people see what crowd she's in. People look at her stupid but she doesn't care.


Conservative chick rebel- What a hypocrit. She's confused. I don't follow. Stop there.


Conservative chick period- Jesus christ why don't you go proselyze already. You are no fun at all. Go buy a van and start a family.


Shy girl- The world hates her when in fact the world doesn't know her at all because she wont come out of her turtle shell. She appreciates a smile and a hi.


I don't care from this post on.

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...you honestly believe that's all the different types of women there are?


I'm not even a woman and this pisses me off.


I'll second the thoughts expressed there.


I hate to say it about you seem like a rather bitter soul towards women. That kind of thought pattern gets an individual no where. Specifically in the dating world, most women aren't going to say - "Yeah, I get processed, categorized and degraded all in one! What a man..."


Just my thoughts of course.


Women are not fond of being thought of as second rate citizens, and men aren't all perfect. Fact of life there. I grew up in an environment with men who thought like that, women were not intelligent equal or capable and its really sad to still see the simple minded out and about spewing this kind of nonsense.


I take offense particularly that (and luckily I suppose) I don't fit into any of those categories. What about the intelligent, goal oriented, good citizens, moral types, hm? If the world was composed strictly of those narrow minded categorizations and stereotypical ideas of women none of us would be accomplishing squat in the world. Obviously that isn't the case though.


Anyhow, I'm done for the time being.

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Yeah, I'm bitter. I'm bitter towards whatever force toys with me.


I'm bitter towards everything.


I've changed and have been trying to change my ways towards a lighter hope.


I'll admit I am being unfair. I'm a lost soul. I have no spirit. I don't belong to this world because whatever invisible force guides is full of crap.

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So first off you think the world hates shy people? That makes no sense.


So, I guess by your catogories I am a goofy-a** chick. I have fat friends, skinny friends, old friends, young friends, and plenty of guy friends. People seeing what crowd I'm in doesn't bother me in the least. I don't know aboiut other people thinking I'm stupid, but if they do I don't really care.

I guess I could change my attitude and only be friends with girls who are built just like me, because heaven forbig I be seen in public with different types of people.*sarcasm* But I am not that superficial.

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If you're really this bitter and hateful towards women, I think the least of your "problems" would be being bisexual. I doubt ANYONE would date you with this sort of attitude, it's not attractive. I think you should spend some time talking to a counselor or someone who can help you deal with your issues involving women.


By the way, your categories of females are terribly superficial. We're not objects, or dolls, our thoughts/feelings/morals/issues affect how we act, not just what people think of us.

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You have it all wrong. I don't know if it is because you arn't around women that much or what but not all women are like that. I'm not gay but I do have more guy friends then girl friends but, like Brokenwingedfaery said, your attitude towards women is terrible. I don't think your gay or bi but I think if you don't open up your mind you're going to end up alone forever.

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You're offensive to women... not all of us are like that...

Keep an attitude like that and you won't find any decent women either.


So true ....dude my boyfriend lies and cheats all the time and i can't even think of getting revenge find urself a decent girl and stop thinking like a gay man ( all girls are icky and mean) cause if u keep that up then the answer to your question won't be am i bi it'll be am i gay?

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Just cause you think a guy is hot or good looking doesnt make you gay or bi.I think there's alot of girls that are hot but im not gay.But you may have to wait till you get in more serious and close relationships before you can be sure.Thats just my advice.


I deffinetly agree. i am 19 yr old male, i have a girlfriend who i really love and the sex is ammmaaaazzzinnngggg. and sometimes i admit i think men are hot. i keep it to myself. i would never want sex or a relationship with another man b/c im not homosexual i dont find men sexually attractive. it works the opposite way too. there are gay people that find members of the opposite sex attractive and that dont make them strate. people especially males are to close minded about that stuff. the way to look at it is are you ready to have sex with another guy and if not then dont worry about it.

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