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What a fantastic night!


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Hiya Guys!


I wrote on here about four months ago about a guy who i always saw at my local bar who I was too scared to tell him I liked him but thought he liked me back even though we'd never really talked =


Well a couple of nights ago he was there and was off duty. My friend told me he kept looking over, and to me and my friend's surprise he came and sat with us and started talking. He was a little intoxicated lol and was just talking friendly but flirting with me. Well, we ended up chatting for about an hour and we ended up kissing and exchanging phone numbers!


He was asking me if i had a boyfriend and stuff and he shared a taxi with us.


Well, cross your fingers for me guys - I really like this guy and he seems incredibly sweet. He text me that same night asking to meet me today, but i knew he was a little drunk so said arrange it with me when you're sober but he hasn't.


I'm hoping it doesn't mean that he's having second thoughts about me. It was very out of character to just come up and do all that coz he has been so shy with me when he's been working and not drinking!


I'm thinking maybe he is a little embarrassed lol. I'm hoping it's just that anyway.

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In a big way, you rejected him. I'm not sure how drunk he was but it's not always easy for men to approach women. If I did the same thing he did (which I wouldn't) and received the message you sent, I would be very hesitant to call you back.


Consider waiting a few days and calling him to hang out on a weeknight with no alcohol involved.

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The only minor red flag is that he chose to contact you when he was drunk (and if it was not his choice because he was that drunk, that is a minor red flag too). In my experience, a man who wants to date a lady (as opposed to have a casual fling) wants to make the best impression possible and usually that means calling the lady to ask her out for a date in advance that he has planned, whether expensive or inexpensive. After all, would he text a potential employer or any important person in his life while he was drunk in that manner?


It all depends what kind of man you want in your life and what your standards and values are as to how you want to be treated and what type of character and values the man in question should have. If it is enough that he is cute, charming and flirty and you can overlook his behavior in this first impression, by all means go for it - it's just my humble opinion. I can see future posts about how all he wants to do is party at the bar after work. I can also see future posts that this behavior was an aberration and he is a stand up guy. Your choice, your risk.

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