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Having a bad day

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So today's been a fairly bad day due to a number of factors. I got a bad grade on an assignment I worked hard on, I made a fool of myself by tripping and landing on my butt in front of everyone, and I did several other things that were horribly wrong. I know I'll be fine - it's just one of those days - but how do you get the sourness out of the stain, however temporary the stain may be?


I'm very conscious of the fact that I'm a teenager going through changes and having mood swings and the whole charade, and I know it'll all pass. But the question is the now and the here of it - what do I do until it blows over on its own accord?

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never under estimate the power of thought - if there is one thing i've learned through working retail/being a human, it's that people can easily say things to ruin your day or stupid stuff can happen to you which makes you feel crappy. but in the end it's all how you deal with it mentally. think positively and usually things get at least a little better : )

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