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It Finally Happened

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Well, today I once again had to cover for someone on checkouts at work. For those who have been following my posts, my ex and her boyfriend have been coming to the Kmart where I work regularly in hopes of catching me there, and until today they had failed. However, I finally saw them today.


Fortunately, the first glimpse I saw of them was of the friend they were with, and from there I had a pretty good idea that she was somewhere with them. So I kept a close watch out. From my register I managed to catch just a peek of her and that piece of [censored] together, though I only allowed myself a glimpse. They didn't see me, so I turned off my light and snuck off to the back where they couldn't find me. From there I called the service desk and had a friend up there inform me when they were gone.


So, I didn't allow her to break NC. The closest I came was a horrible quick glance of her face, then I ran before I could see them holding hands and before they knew I was nearby. God I hate her; SHE hurt ME, and now she has the nerve to torment me AT MY OWN JOB? I never did anything to her other than love her and try to make her happy.


I hate my life so much that I wish I was dead just to avoid seeing them together again


How can I cope? Did I do the right thing? Today I worked out a plan so that a friend of mine (who also happens to be one of the managers) will stick nearby when they're in the store. Then when they get in the least bit close to me, she's going to kick them out.

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You know I think you'd be much better off to walk up to her say hellow itha big grin, follow that right up with a big "I want to thank you" and then walk off. That would blow her away, thank her for the break up because you are better off without her. Seriously, you are because someone who is trying to hurt you in this was is not someone who you should be with EVER. No one should take pleasure in giving someone else pain.


However, unless you are ready to say thanks witha big smile, you did handle it fine.

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I think you handled it very well - as well as it could have been handled.


I pulled off something similar as your ex did when I was 18 but not on purpose. With my new girlfriend, we went and got pizza where my ex worked. She saw us both and she took my order but was upset I could tell. I didn't mean for it to happen and had no intention of hurting her.


So, looking back at what you did and how you probably felt, I think you handled it in a very classy manner.

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You know I think you'd be much better off to walk up to her say hellow itha big grin, follow that right up with a big "I want to thank you" and then walk off. That would blow her away, thank her for the break up because you are better off without her. Seriously, you are because someone who is trying to hurt you in this was is not someone who you should be with EVER. No one should take pleasure in giving someone else pain.


However, unless you are ready to say thanks witha big smile, you did handle it fine.


I am NOT ready to face her and say ANYTHING. Though this is good advice, at this point I was near to bursting in tears just seeing her face again. There was no way I could handle walking up to her.


Yo did the right thing. As for the future thing, I think it would be better if your friend just told you so you could go to the back again... not kick her out. Doing so would show that you "still care"...


Frankly, whether or not she knows I still care isn't my top priority. I sincerely want her out of my life because all she ever does is try to hurt me. If she's banned from seeing me at work, there's not really anywhere else she can bother me. She definitely wouldn't come to school or my house to bother me, and any calls or online contact attempts are easily avoided.


I want her out of my life forever. No friendship, no "acquaintance", no ANYTHING. I despise every bone in her heartless body, and the only way I can find happiness is if she stays out of my life for good. No more games, or trying to hurt her as much as she tries to hurt me by pretending I don't care. I'm not doing the deception thing anymore, and I refuse to give her the chance to give it to me. She can believe I love her, hate her, or just plain don't care. As long as I never see or hear from her again, her thoughts and feelings are no longer my concern. I'm done letting her hurt me like this, and I'll do whatever is necessary to keep her away.

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I'm glad everyone is being supportive of the action I took. To be honest I felt like a coward for doing it, and I hate to run away from my problems. I should be stronger than this....but other than fearing the pain of seeing them together, I also didn't want to cause a scene at work.

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As far as they know, I wasn't even there when they got there. On their it they have yet to see a reaction. As long as they are kicked out of my life so as to avoid doing anything that would require a reaction, then I can live peacefully (though heartbroken).


You won't be heartbroken forever, but you may get your heart broken again. Some other woman is going to come along and you are going to fall for her sooner or later. And if you're lucky, that will be the last woman who comes along. But if you're not, that will end too. Most of us go through it a few times.

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