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hey tommy,

I had a g/f who was younger then me and we both thaught each other stuff we didnt know. Its part of relationships, she will teach you a few things and you will teach her a few things. The biggest thing I would look out for is, is she on the same level of maturity as you? Girls tend to be more mature then guys so if you think you two are on the same page then i dont see anything wrong with it. Just remember not to rush anything because although you might not realize it right now but rushing tends to mess up relationships in the long run.


Good luck

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As dude69 pointed out girls do tend to mature at a faster rate then guys, and she may not be lying she could just be a really mature and experienced for her age. Ask any older male and they will tell you Girls these days have more mature bodies and ways of thinking then they did years ago. Besides, why would she lie and tell you she was 13? How did you guys meet?

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she looks and acts 17 if you saw her you would NEVER believe shes 13 even i think shes lying to test me because she looks acts and thinks 17

edited for spelling


I believe you when you say that because i dated a girl who was abit more younger then me but she looked older then all the girls my age and also was usualy more mature then them when she was with me.


Why are you so worried about her teaching you things ? How do you expect people to learn if we dont teach each other anything?

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When I was 16, the idea of dating a younger girl was really frowned upon.. I mean younger as in not in the same grade. At 13, the girl is just out of elementary school...


because you guys are in an hold generations where they use to look at it in a bad way. Im not saying that i totaly agree on the new generation, but its just like that.

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You're saying that in 2002 a great change swept the nation and kids suddenly started saying "Yeah, I know I can drive and in a couple more years I'll be going to college or joining the military... but hot dayam... those seventh graders... must be something in the water."

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You're saying that in 2002 a great change swept the nation and kids suddenly started saying "Yeah, I know I can drive and in a couple more years I'll be going to college or joining the military... but hot dayam... those seventh graders... must be something in the water."


yeah not really my generation but the one before me, i dont know what happened but its weird. Must be the tv or perhaps something in the water


about 2 weeks ago i was at a club and this group of girls came up to my friends and I and well i ended up kissing one of them and then i freaked out when she told me she was 16... i was sure she was like 19-20... and how is a 16 year suppost to get into a club ? anyway just have to watch out nowadays.

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I'm sorry, it's just disgusting to enter into a making out/sexual relationship with a 13 year old. She's a child.


It should be a crime. Oh wait . . . . it's definitely dodgy. Unbelievable.


in his case, he is 16 so its not a crime, but if they are over 18 then it would be a crime. I personaly wouldnt date a 13 year old but if i was 15/16 i might of.


At my age i wont date anyone under 17 and thats 17 turning 18 in a couple of months. I think i am very mature for my age which is why i rather dating older woman.

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