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I've been doing NC for 4 straight months now, and I'm getting back on my feet. Still hard, but I'm trying and proud of myself. The other day I heard from someone that my ex asked them if I had anybody new in my life. She has never done that before, that I know of.


I know she has no one in her life b/c she is very cocky and although she is a big partier/barhopper, I don't think after many months, she has found someone yet, whether for a f#(% buddy or relationship. I dont think she still wants a rel, just a convenience person.


Why would she care if I was seeing anyone or not? It's kinda moot at this pt, and not even her business. Why do the dumpers want to know this?

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yeah, it's messed up........and last wk she asked a mutual friend to ask me (for HER) if she had left some paperwork at my house from over a YEAR ago. I did look, and I don't have the paperwork she thought was here, but she could have easily called her attorney to get this stuff.

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yeah, forget your ex. she is probably just bored and curious.


as for the paperwork, I have hired an attorney before and I know that they charge, even for a phone call with a simple question. mine rounded up to 15 minutes (for even a 5 minute phone call), and that would cost $50. so, that is one reason why she would have rather called you than her attorney.

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yes really.........where is the road less travelled? It's true, I am not totally over her in my heart, but the good thing is I've implemented NC for 4 months now after she hung up on me (like a little kid not a 40smthg yr old that she is) and I've been making more of an effort to go out, meet ppl, try to be around healthy ppl, and I do feel better about myself.


Dumpers, man..........I just don't get it. It's like they don't want you, but yet they don't want you to move on!

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sorry, annie forgot to thank you for your post. I do know her attorney, and all she needed was some paperwk faxed over to her office, that his secretary would have done no prob. I've used this atty before, and he's a good guy. I am not calling her but I did let the mutual friend know that bec im a good person, i did look around my house for it and of course like i thought, i didn't have it here.


dont know why she asked my friend to 'ask me' that. its almost like she is trying to make contact w/me somehow.


whatever. I hope I am on the path to that good road...........

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ah, ok. clearly your attorney is a kinder man than mine but I didn't hire mine because he was nice.


anyways, too much time is spent trying to figure out exes. they don't even know why they do half the things they do, so don't waste your precious time and brain cells trying to figure them out either. it is pointless.

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Sometimes it's because they think "Hey, what's goin' on. This person was supposed to love me for ever and pine over me and never love anyone again. How could they be so heartless as to actually get over me!! ".


They are the star of the movie of their life and everyone one else is an extra.

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it's all true, people........i am so guilty of trying to analyze and overanalyze this stupid ex. Her loss, period, need to get over it. Her bday is tomorrow and u can bet she won't be getting a call from me. You hang up on me like a child 4mos ago and expect a call from me? Hell no!

I've got goooooood self control with that!


And annie----the attorney is actually cool but very good! he was for some personal issue she had to deal with separate from us, some finance thing. :sleeping:

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