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Hey guys, is there a sports club at most colleges? And if so what kind of things do you do in a sports club? I'm going back to school and it would be sick if theres a group of people who love sports like me, but cant play them on a school team cause they werent born with those natural athletic genes.

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I always thought I was athletically incapable... but it just took some time to find what it is I could do! Your school will probably have some kind of activity fair at the beginning of the school year so you can find out what is available.


Things I never could do and probably won't ever do: baseball, softball, field hockey, basketball.


Things I can do, I'm decent or pretty good at (after much hard work), and like or love: snowboarding, sailing, running, hiking.


Also, I don't know where you are, but in the US, there is a kickball association that is all about fun regardless of your ability! I can't remember the name, but I'm sure you can google it.

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