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Cant believe he is really going to REHAB

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Im in a bit of a bind and i feel 2 inches tall right now. My really good friend (who I like as more, but he doesnt know) is going into rehab in a couple if days. I feel so bad for him but i dont know what to do, i try to be there for him but its hard, really hard. I was the first person he told when he found out and his attitude twards it is so much different when he is around other people, he makes a joke out of it, but when its just him and me i can tell it really hurts him. He really doesnt have a big problem (his biggest problem is being bored) but i know that this is for the best and nothing BAD came come of it. Im just praying that GOOD comes from it. And aside from joking about it, his friends are trying to make him do really dumb stuff now that he already knows hes going. I know he will keep his promise to me that he will go into rehab clean but i wouldnt be THAT shocked if i found out he didnt. I dont know how to deal with this and something about this whole situation makes me question my attraction to him. I saw somewhere in a book/movie/magazine that women like projects, someone they can "fix" or help in some why. I want to know that this is not just that and that my feelings are real because i dont want to get hurt, but most of all i dont want to just be another name on that list of girls that has hurt him. I know two sides of him and before i never had any attraction or even gave him a second thought when he was doing weed and im afraid that if things change later down the road and he goes back to being THAT person my feelings for him will change.



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Just step back a minute and think about this. Your friend has problems that he needs to work out with himself. He needs to take control of his life and figure out who he is and what he wants. Just be there for him now...that's all you can do. don't push anything on him. Be there for him, comfort him. He doesn't need a relationship right now...he needs to figure out who he is. My saying is "you can never truly love someone unless you love yourself first."

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i think the best thing to do right now would be to be a FRIEND for this guy. it sounds like he really needs a good one right now, one that will have a good influence on him. telling him how you feel RIGHT NOW would prolly complicate things. (but you SHOULD tell him ) also, since you are worried about why you like him, make a list in your head: why do you like him. when you think about those reasons, do they sound like good reasons, or more like you just want someone to fix? you should be able to go from there....

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