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WHEN A MAN CHEATS.........(men only please)

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Yeah, no joke. IMO that's just not right. Most off the guys that ladies go for can easily get other women. But the real trick is finding an attractive guy in which that despite that fact, has the self-respect to show the ladies around him that same respect.


Women play a part in this too, they convince themselves that its not so bad. Its encouraging the behavior. Sure everyone makes mistakes. But cheating is never a mistake, its a mindset.


So look at what the guy is actually doing to you. Is he there for you or himself? Try to see it from a guys perspective. Don't look at how it feels, put that aside and try to notice things for what they really are.

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Yeah I am not entirely sure if I understand this question.


Probably because I do not understand why someone would ask such a question. I mean it's a case-by-case thing.


I cheat all the time... If she doesn't like it she can move on...


Keep the art alive!




Hmm, well, I can agree that it's an art.

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Men who cheat on their women and have the childish mentality that its ok so who cares....are usually men who like Drama. Most sensefull men wouldnt cheat over and over again, because it would just add tons of useless drama. The men who think its funny or a game, usually have mental issues are stagnant in the growth department.


I think if a man or woman cheats once and moves on, thats still sad, but its different. If a person cheats and thinks "she can just move on, or Oh well deal with it" that person is not in real reality. They

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One or two things can happen:

1. You can blame your self. Depending on how long and how well you know your man, it could have been something the relationship was lacking. Usually you see signs and get little hints that go unnoticed.

2. Or you can blame yourself and learn from this experience. you can keep him around and pay more attention to what is and what is not going well in your relationship. Or you can drop him and try your luck somewhere else.


Good Luck

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I think that there was a problem in the first place.


Maybe he was jealous of you and felt like you gave everyone your love but him. I have never cheated but I know sometimes the thought comes to mind due to massive neglect or jealous if the others disperportioned display of effection seems to go everywheres else but here, but the fact of the matter is dump his * * * and move on. Cheating is awful, detach yourself and MOVE ON. You arn`t a television or some other object to be taken at whenever is a good time for him or her.


In defence to people who have cheated, besides the obvious idiots CLUB BLING GIRLS YEAH XBOX, I think most people do it out of sheer thirst for excitement and intimatcy, that they probably once shared with their partner at one point or another. SELF CONFIDENCE plays a huge role, its not easy to admit but instead of making a clean break facing the pain THEN having sex with other people, takes less emotional effort and you have your partner as a safty blanket.


Its awful, it really is. The pain that this must bring people must be huge.


Too respond to your Question, DUMP HIM AND MOVE ON.

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I've heard the..."you didn't give me enough attention..yada yada"...but really it means that they didnt' love you then, while they where cheating...and they are staying with you either out of convenience (money, food, house, friendship, etc)...or they are staying because they realized that the sex w/ another isn't all its cracked up to be. Either way...if they love you again, or want to stay with you then you have to be able to forgive. If you can't forgive, then leave..run fast and far, because non-forgiveness kills u. If you can forgive then you must trust that he has changed and not bring it up again. Me, I couldnt' let it go...so I ran but not fast enough....and in the end, he lost more and learned a very powerful lesson.

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I think people who cheat are selfish and cowards. Selfish because if they aren't satisfied in the first place. break up and make a clean break of it.. not use two people who cud find two people who actually cared about them.

Cowards... because if something isn't right in your relationship.. don't you have the guts to come out and say so? It is awkard granted to bring up things that are bothersome in a relationship.. but it's that more kind than having your partner finding out you are having sex with someone else behind their back?

Either way. it shows a lack of integrity that i find hard to live with. You gotta have trust.. even in a friendship.. or you are on shaky ground, Just my humble opinion.

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It must really suck, when the wife comes only to really catch him in the act, on her own house and either on the bed or on the couch, cuz then wut type of excuse can he make? And if she decides to give it another shot, she'll still have the image in her woman, and still see the other woman's face in her mind also.

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I see this post was originally put on back in 2003, with not much reply to it. I cant believe the cheating mentality of some people. The responses posted by Adonis2k3 and j-boe , were crude and senseless.

Usually things like that are said to provoke strong reactions. Try not to buy into it (or anything based on shock-value) and you'll be much happier for it! lol


I am in no way a religious person, but I do believe in karma. If you screw with people enough, eventually it comes back to bite you in the rear-end.

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