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anger mangment

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hey my name is amy i have a really bad temper and i need help i am 16 years old and i am not someone that can afford something like i need............i really don't want my parents to find out that i want to go to these classes............. does anyone know any sort of free classes for anger mangment

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School counslers can help you a lot. They sometimes can help you themselves or they can direct you to a free support group or something of that sort. I don't think counslers are allowed to give information to your parents unless they have your consent, I don't know fully though, that's just at my school. I hope you get the help you want , and hopefully I helped a little bit

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Agreed with the above.


School counselors are a great resource, and, from talking to mine, I understand that they LOVE to be helpful. Seriously, I don't think anyone goes into a job saying "I want to sit at a computer all day and help a bunch of indecisive kids switch their schedules around nine times in a row!" No. They took the job because they want to help kids deal with problems.


Anyway, go in to your school as soon as possible, even if it's still summer, and talk to your counselor. The sooner you get into these classes, the better. And it's great that you want to help yourself. If you're in denial, it's much harder to deal with your problems.

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Umm. definitely what Jessie said, school's coming back in session soon, so that's a good choice. Doctors have to keep that confidentiality barrier, so maybe confiding in him/her might help.

Otherwise, check out google- it has some great starting points.

I searched "anger management" and one good link I got was:

link removed


Hope it helps.

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  • 3 months later...

Ayo I feel you I got a bad temper too except mind is knida unstable some things piss mee off one day the next day they don't and i get mad for dumb s***t but anyway, just tell your parents if it is that big a deal that you need anger management lessons unless you think theres a way you can help yourself just try to relax and ignore what most nut a** people do to annoy you and get you pissed. if you ever wanna talk just send me a p.m Swift44







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i would have to agree with the aforesaid, if still in schooling or further education go to a mentoring session or counciling if anythingn further is required then they will refer you so that should help you.

although you dont want your parents to find out wouldnt they notice because of your anger? or are you able to control it infront of them.

anyway to go to a mentoring session will start you off.

hope this helps.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i know what the ##$@#$ you're saying...(i'm new here, can we swear?)

Any way, i don't know what the f**k i'm pissed off at but sometime's i'll just be pissed at everyfrickin' body...people suck, i've decided. As a whole. Human race. Thing. Anyway, i know exactly what you mean by not wanting your parents to know...my parents are really bad at anything, i don't know what it is but it's like they don't address the issue just make a big deal out of everything, blah blah f**k**g blah... i wouldn't know about counseling, my drumset is my counselor... break s**t, that's my motto.

i realize that this is really no help, just wanted to say i get it, understand blah blah f----in' blah.

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