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He changed his mind....

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The man I'm in love with has postponed our wedding date.

Our wedding date was to be August 3, 2007. I did three days of extreme planning.

I picked the location for the wedding, and reception. I also did pricing.

I even picked out the color scheme and decorations.

I drew up a financial plan of saving and maximizing my money.

Of course I had his wedding ring picked out.

I was looking for gifts to give my bridemaids's....

I planned the details of the whole wedding ceremony and reception...everything.

I'm even the one who picked out our hotel and vacation spot for the honeymoon (got pricing on that as well)....

And he tells me this morning that he doesn't want to get married until the year 2009.

I'm currently 22years old, almost 23yrs old.

I'll be 26years old by the time we marry, if we get married in the fall!

I don't know.

It was his idea to get married in a year's time, he determined that a week and a half after we met.

At first I was devestated.

Then after that I had to think of all the people I had to call.

I had to call my friends and tell them it wasn't happening, and the wedding planner of course.

I still have to call the jeweler.

I mean, it's a lot.

But I'm okay.

I'm just going to focus on getting myself together.

I mean we don't even have sex, which is fine with me.

We're waiting.

But he's a man, I mean do you really think he can hold off on sex for 3 1/2 years?

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Ok, you got engaged a week and a half after you met? It's probably good that he decided to delay, as much as it sucks now. He probably just wants to make sure this is the right decision. I would have probably backed out too as it sounds like this engagement came out of lust.


As for holding off on sex, I take it you are waiting for marriage? I guess that depends on how strongly he feels about you and about waiting. I guess if that's what you want and it's meant to be then he will wait for you.

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Okay, I am confused. Did you just start dating this man and he mentioned getting married in a year and right away you are going full force into planning a wedding? How long have you actually known this man? What makes you think he is actually serious about marriage. If you just started dating, it is a bit premature to be planning marriage. It also strikes me as odd that if you just started dating, he says he wants it a year from now and then comes up with 2009. Are you sure he is not taking you for a ride? It sounds very suspicious to me.

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Woa! Thats far too soon to decide to marry someone after a week you`ve met. You don`t fully know what they are like.


Anyway, its like planning you funeral after being born after 1 week!


Sounds ridiculous I know, but you can`t possibly decide to marry after 1 week!

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