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how do i tell my mom that i want to c a gynecologist

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i am 16 years old almost 17 in september i have been sexually active since i was 15 and for the last year i have been having sex with someone that might have stds i want to take care of mysolf and my mom and dad still think that i am virgin how do i tell my parents i want to go to a gynecologist

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well if you can drive by yourself, you can call into the doctors yourself and set up an appointment without your parents knowing...doctors aren't allowed to tell your parents things you dont want then knowing...like if your mom goes with you to the doctors you can talk to the doctor in private and tell him that your sexually active and let him know that you dont want your mom knowing

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When I was your age and I decited that I wanted to have sex. I was to embarsed to talk to my parents about this topic so I went to Plan Parenthood, It's cheep and they don't tell your parents. I maked sure that I was on the pill so I wouldn't get preg.. and they gave me condoms and showed me how to use it in case the guy did'nt know how to use it right.


Later on my mom ended up comeing to me and TRYING to tell me about sex. I just told her that I took care of thing, and that I was on the pill. I did'nt tell her I was haveing sex. She told me that she was proud of me for being so responsible at that age. This felt so weird talking to my mom about this and I think that that only reason I told her about the pill was because I didn't want to talk about it with her any more. Any way that was that and from that point on we never talked about it again and I was happy with that.



It's been years sense then and now I can talk to my mom about anything. I think that it's just a think that some girls go through when there moms are not really open with these kinds of things it makes us uncomfortable to talk to them about it.

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By your age going to the gyno is very common, regardless of if you are having sex or not.


All you need to do is tell your mom that you think its time to start seeing the gyno for regular checkups and pap's...not a big deal.. young women of your age should start to have yearly paps anyway. If she asks why, just tell her you would like to start in order to set up services with a professional before you head out on your own...

I mean the reality is a your family doctor could be doing your pap's and giving you birth control as well...seeing a gyno is just seeing a specialist.

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I would just reccomend that you go to your regular doctor or find a womans health clinic that deals with this kind of stuff all of the time. They are normally quite cheap and have the time to go through all of the stuff and answer all of your questions while some doctors wont. If you dont need to tell your mum or dont feel comfortable to tell her I wouldnt worry about it youll feel comfortable enough to tell her oneday and can tell her then. Its really good that you are being responsible about this sort of thing though.

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Thats why i suggested a womans health centre they are cheap and sometimes free, there are plenty of good cheap health services for young girls who need help. Im sure if you go to your school counellor they will be able to give you some places where you can get some good advice from doctors and treatment if you need it. Going to a gyno would be expensive and its not nessiscary. Also you could ring your local Mayors office usually they have informaion for community members who need health advice.

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As a father of three young girls, this is a topic that makes me nervous, but also one that I think is very important.


I would have to agree with the multiple posts about making the appointments for yourself if necessary, and that it is responsible of you to want to make the appointment, but I did want to point out that you said you have already been sexually active since you were 15, and that you think the person that you have been active with may have an std? I wanted to express a sense of urgency to you, because if you are already sexually active then you need to see a gc soon. Are you using any birth control currently? any protection against std's? I would suggest talking to your partner, and if you are not using condoms, then tell him that you want to use them from now on, for both your protection. I know that at your age getting the condoms can be a little embarrassing, but if he is not wlling to get the condoms because he is too embarrassed, then maybe he is not ready for that type of relationship.


Another point I would make, is that you may want to reconsider backing down and talking to your Mother about this. I knwo that it sounds uncomfortable, and maybe a little embarrassing, but your Mother is your Mother, and she will be their for you. As a parent myself, I would be willing to bet that she would be impressed and proud of you for coming to her and showing your level of responsibility, and it may evenimprove your relationship with her and you will find that you can talk to her about anything and get the advice and suport that you need.


In the very least, think about how much easier it would be to talk to your Mom now about wanting to see the GC, or how hard it would be to talk to her after you found out that you were pregnant?


Good luck and I hope things work out for you..

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