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Ok I need some advice and help..

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Verbal or nonverbal abuse of a spouse or intimate partner may include:


threatening or intimidating to gain compliance

destruction of the victim's personal property and possessions, or threats to do so

violence to an object (such as a wall or piece of furniture) or pet, in the presense of the intended victim, as a way of instilling fear of further violence

yelling or screaming


constant harassment

embarrassing, making fun of, or mocking the victim, either alone within the household, in public, or in front of family or friends

criticizing or diminishing the victim's accomplishments or goals

not trusting the victim's decision-making

telling the victim that they are worthless on their own, without the abuser

excessive possessiveness, isolation from friends and family

excessive checking-up on the victim to make sure they are at home or where they said they would be

saying hurtful things while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and using the substance as an excuse to say the hurtful things

blaming the victim for how the abuser acts or feels

making the victim remain on the premises after a fight, or leaving them somewhere else after a fight, just to "teach them a lesson"

making the victim feel that there is no way out of the relationship

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Man, it sucks people think badly about cops. I almost became one. I really like the "Cops" tv show too. Especially the Las Vegas episodes.


In regards to your girlfriend, don't let her pressure you into anything you aren't ready for.


One thing I will say is that people don't change. The only person you can change is you. You need to sit down and have a talk with her and let her know what is bothering you, and why you aren't ready for marriage isn't happening right now at this junction of your life.


I agree.


It is so important to find someone that respects you and the life decisions you make. It is one thing if she makes fun of your lime green shirt, but another if she is knocking your passion and dedication to civic service. It's a dangerous job, and you are putting your life on the line everyday, and she doesn't appreciate that. I think that sucks.


There are lots of women out there that not only won't make fun of your job, but will really see it as a positive, that you've got a job that makes you a hero.


Do you really want to hear her making fun of your job for the next 50 years? that sounds miserable to me!


I agree with the others, don't get married! and don't let her pressure you. 9 months isn't an incredibly long amount of time to be dating, and if you don't feel ready for it, don't!


good luck.

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Doesnt help that she is like a feminist type person and thinks male are all stereotypical too.


I don't like the sound of her at all. I'm a "feminist" type person, but in my eyes, feminism is about making your own choices, not about bashing men. There is no reason to lump men together in one package like, "all men are like this...."

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I don't like the sound of her at all. I'm a "feminist" type person, but in my eyes, feminism is about making your own choices, not about bashing men. There is no reason to lump men together in one package like, "all men are like this...."


I completely agree with Annie on this. There's a difference between liberating your gender and bashing the opposite sex.

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