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  1. I agree. I have faults too. She also acknowledges these things but says she cant help it
  2. I dunno. I just always have to watch what I say. It may offend her. Shes real touchy. I dont quit things. Im willing to work it out with her just dont know how
  3. Doesnt help that she is like a feminist type person and thinks male are all stereotypical too.
  4. Good point. I will do that. I will not let her rip on it and if she has something to say she can keep it to her self. Im just to the point where I dont care. I still care for her but dont care at what upsets her.
  5. yea true. But theres that side that cares about her alot
  6. ALot of people say that. just a tough decision
  7. She just says well then if your not going to propose to me I will. When we fight about things no one wins, or gains anything out of it. She goes to the way she is and I do my things... SO there is no wins in it.Im just not ready for marriage! it sounds like lockdown right now
  8. I do tell her that. She still asks me every day if Ill marry her.
  9. I live in Vegas. LoL. SO how do I stop her from proposing without making her feel bad
  10. Trust me . Me being a police officer will never change. I promise that. I have dedicated my life to doing this profession. I am proud of it. I have studied it, Volunteered for it. ETC. Im not giving that up. Most peoples perception of cops is bad. She has a bad mental picture of it. She believes they harass, beat up, bother , and annoy people ( granted there are bad cops but a small percentage) She panics when there is one around. At my graduation she said she did not want to be there. She has nothing to worry about she is a regular jane citizen... I dont get it. She just hates them. She tries and act like they dont bother her But i can see through her on that. When she said she didnt want to be at my graduation I just felt like crap. I saw her at my graduation she was just looking down. She was very distant to me that day. I thought being in a relationship if you love someone you would be proud of them . She says she is but I dont feel it. I feel im doing this alone. Ive had no ones help, I talk to my friends about that job or keep it to my self.
  11. Yes I do want to be with her. I just want some things to change. She acknowledges that she can be mean to me. But im sacrificing way too much. I love spending time with her but at the same time Im not going to be friend my friends. I just want to go day by day right now. I dont see a rush to get married. I will get married eventually I just do not want to right now. Ill be honest there are times where I really get fed up with stuff and just leave. I then get pity text messages, apologies, And I fall for them. One reason I think she wants to get married so bad is for that security im not leaving her. Her last long term relationship she was cheated on. So I dont know if that has to do with anyone. I did catch a little wind on how she would bother him about his military stuff ( he was a marine ) And Im just thinking she hates uniforms and doesnt respect peoples passions. Kinda bothers me that she harassed him about that and me about cops. ( I still hate her ex though! :splat: ) But right now I just wanna have fun! ( in a non cheating way )
  12. Ok thanks for looking in. Ive been with my girlfriend for 9 months. She wants to get married to me and if I dont marry her she will propose to me soon. Now there is my problem. im told im being selfish in what I think but I dont know you guys decide. Basically Im not ready for marriage. I dont own a home or apartment. Im living with a roommate. Im barely scraping by with the money i am making. I cant afford to take care of someone right now. Well I feel like im tied to the hip with her. It can be a good thing, but can be bad at times. I have given up time with my friends, my hobbies, and things I like to do to be with her. Ive kinda been freaked out that I havent made times with those things. I am now starting to get in the flow of that again. I have been hanging out with my friends lately and its resulting in us getting in fights. She gets upset that I hang out with them. Well in my own opinion I dont think its right for her to get upset because I do not do that to her. I stay at her house alot to the point where its 2 am when I am leaving. Ive been leaving earlier than that and she gets upset, I live far away from her and I have work the next morning. I work as a police officer, She also hates my profession so there is fights resulting due to that. I keep to my self alot because she makes comments about police, And just makes me feel dumb about it. I hear things like " oh look at them they are just harassing them, Did you hear about that cop who shot that guy? Is that your little cop buddies? " stupid things like that, that bother me. She then gets upset because I dont tell her anything about police work. So Im in a no win situation. Well she wants me to marry her. I believe its too early for that. I feel as if this whole relationship is about her. Its what she wants to watch on TV, What she wants to do, and go....( quick side note ) I cant watch cops in front of her because she gets angry....tell me if that makes sense? So anyways what do I say or do to let her know Im not ready. We still have to compromise on alot of things. Im still stressed about my job ( in field training) I love my job but I need to get off probation. I dont have time for marriage right now. Any advice because she wants to propose to me soon and I dont wanna hurt her feelings!
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