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Fear & Anxiety (I can't take this anymore!!)

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Every morning I wake up terrified... not scared terrified. Shaking like aleaf, crying, breathing fast... I wake up straight in an anxiety attack. I want to vomit.


I just can't do thisanymore, I can't do this alone. I'm so scared, I have so many problems... I can't carrying all this pain inside of me.


Can someone help me? I don't know how.


I'm so scared. No matter what I do it causes me tremendous pain and fear. I'm so afraid and out of control that I just wish I could do anything to stop it... even killing myself. I'm sick of being so faulty, weird, fat, emotional and horrible to everyone around me.


I have so many problems, I don't think I diserve the lifeI've been given ... I just wasted it. I'm useless >__


I just can't take this anymore... I wish someone understood me....

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Go and see a doctor. You need professional help first and we can't give you that on enotalone. However, we can give you emotional support and help afterwards.


If you want to make things better you have to learn to crawl before you can walk then run.


Tell us how you get on at the doctors.


Good luck and take care.

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Hey hun, been there done that! Anxiety can make you feel very overwhelmed, you start magnifying everything that you "think" is wrong with you. I did Lucinda Bassett's program Attacking Anxiety, it may sounds cheesy but it did wonders! I'm by no means perfect, I have my moments. I know anxiety is something I have to work on day by day, it's apart of me but that's ok because I have it under control! If you go to link removed there's a lovely message board with people just like me and you who are incredibly helpful. There are still things popping up that I thought were personality traits and yet they're actually characteristics of anxiety, who knew! I know that what you're feeling right now feels incredibly scary and you want to jump out of your skin but take a deep breath. You're going to be ok. Find out if there is a support group for people with anxiety in your area or consider seeing a therapist. I've never taken medication for it but some people do require some meds (low dosage) in order to start off and become a little more grounded.

My dad, my sister and myself have all done the program and greatly benefited from it.


Ailec, I know you were just trying to help but panic attacks don't lead to heart attacks.

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Hi Belinda,


I too suffered debilitating anxiety for years and thought about ending it all too. I have managed to deal with the intense effects and can now live a relatively ordinary life. I still suffer anxiety attacks, but only in enclosed spaces, such as lifts and airplanes. But i am in therapy, trying to deal with it.


First of all, you are not alone! The secret to dealing with your anxiety is in finding a good therapist. The most common way people deal with anxiety is through breathing exercises, so instead of breathing upwards, through your chest, which most people do, try to breathe from your diaphram. If you place your hands on your abdomon (stomache), when you breathe in, your stomache should extend outwards. Try doing this twice a day for a few minutes each time. Breathe in, count to 3, hold for 3 and then breathe out and count for 3. Repeat 10 times.


Anxiety therapists also use a therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which aims to replace your negative belief systems and negative self-talk with positive statements and belief systems. My therapist has recommended a book called "Thoughts and Feelings: Taking control of your moods and your life", by Matthew McKay & Martha Davis. Give it a try. It talks about the thought processes i mentioned above and gives you strategies in order to deal with them.


My personal belief about anxiety is that it occurs when we are going against our 'true' selves and making decisions that we know are not in our best interests, or that are not consistent with our hearts' desire. If you start being more true to yourself, your anxiety will probably decrease. Many people have dealt with anxiety and have lived to tell the tale. There is hope!

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Thanks everyone so much for your advice, it means alot to me. Even though my Mum suffered mild anxiety for a while, I really don't have ANYONE that understands what I'm going through at all, so just knowing there is someone out there who cares enough to give advice means the world to me.

I'll try my best to take heed of that advice... although I'm a little afraid going to the doctors on my own about that, as it'll just reinforce how damn lonely I feel >_

Sometimes I hate that about myself...

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Belinda, I suffer from the same feelings. Don't worry you are not alone in this. I have recently begun taking medication for my bouts with anxiety(therapist prescribed).


I advise sitting down with a therapist and getting to the root of your issues. Believe me they are there. I realize that alot of my phobias and vulnberabilities are rooted in my childhood. Also, like you, anxiety runs in my family. My grandmother is hypochondriac, and my mother has acute anxiety disorder(takes meds as well)...And now it has been passed down to me.


Anyway, nip it in the bud. Unnecessary fear ruined my quality of life for many years. When you start exorcising those demons the anxiety will, slowly, but surely fade. The medication helps too...Don't expect an overnight miracle. It is work.


Good luck to you.

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