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I'm having a really bad day today. I just started a new job and I hate it. I miss my ex so much but esp. when I'm feeling down and he is the one I really want to talk to about things. It has been 2 weeks since we broke up and stopped talking. I'm not really tempted to call because I'm afraid he won't be anything like he was before and it will upset me even more.


I was starting to do better.


until today.


I just can't stop crying. I miss him so much. I guess it just makes me feel better to share this. I feel like crawling into a hole. I haven't really been eating. I just want to feel normal again.

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I understand where you're coming from, me and my boyfriend just broke up yesterday and I feel like crying my eyes out (which I have)... but as much as it sucks you have to think in a way knowing that life will go on, and in the end it's his loss and not yours. I don't see the problem with calling him for some support, but instead of calling him call your best girlfriends and confide in them! It will get better! If you need to vent anymore feel free to e-mail me at anytime i'm always willing to listen and help. I know exactly what you're going through!!!

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New jobs suck. All the strange people, new things to learn, and frustrations of being outside your comfort zone. Hang in there, things should improve once you learn the ropes! Hard time to be STARTING a new job too. I just broke up and I was crying at work several times! Fortunately I have a supportive boss and a good friend at work, and my boss sent me home when I was having a rough time and my friend covered for me.


If things get really bad, take a sick day, cry for awhile and do something that makes you happy or at least distracted.


Emotions are funny things. I was great for a couple days, crying my eyes out one day, happy again, and sad again. You can do it! The sadness will pass.

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