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i want your honest opinion..PLEASE!

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hi everyone!


Ok, I know alot of people believe in the "golden rule" of friends not dating each other, but I wanna hear the other side of it. If you believe that friendship is a great foundation for a relationship, have successfully dated someone who wuz a best friend first, or know someone who has, please let me kno!


I'm in a situation where i love my best friend. i no he loves me too, but he doesnt want us to date because he ahd a relationship with a good friend b4 and it didn't work...i just believe that it won't always end up like that...your opinions would be great!!

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Well.. first off, if someone says that they don't think it is going to work out before they have even given it a try.. then they will purposely not make it work out.

When someone brings up a past experience to judge a new experience, then there is something wrong. Usually a friendship turns into a romance by accident or by a slow burn that makes the two of you closer. Maybe a night out, and the two of you kiss, and perhaps you both do a little more. My opinion is, if you say... let's start dating instead of just being friends, then you might as well say... let's risk our friendship and date. It's all about the approach. I know people who were always friends, but slept together and did everything together like they were married, they just were happy the way they were and saw no desire to bring somethign as stressful as marriage into their relationship.

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Friendships are ALWAYS a WONDERFUL basis for a relationship...I mean, you already know you like them and you already know their faults and you accept them!


The difficult part is putting your friendship on the line for the possibility of a relationship.


If the friend you are considering has not made any kind of indication that he/she may also be interested in you that way...you want to think long and hard about the damage that you may do if in fact they don't.


On the other hand, they may...in which case, the two of you need to figure out a way to express this and move forward. BUT, remember, regardless of where the relatiionship goes, or doesn't, ALWAYS be respectful of the friendship. Always remember that BEFORE the relationship, you like this person for just who they were...


Good luck!

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Honestly, I think I would rather be single for the rest of my life and keep that awesome bestest friend. At least you know he/she will always be there. I think that bond is even tighter than what you might have with a lover. I envy people who are so close. I would die for a best friend like that and don't think I would trade it for the world. You know there's also a thing known as "friends with benefits"...just two people helping each other out!

but that's just me

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