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a genuine response needed

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k.....first off i need to ask this and would greatly appreciate an honest answer, rather than a 'kind' or 'polite'one.


I measure up at about 4.75 inches long and i really need to know if that is considered 'small' by women. I know its baout how you use it etc etc, but when a new partner sees it for the first time, is she likely to think "uh oh.....this is pretty small". Its kind of driving me nuts.


Do i need to do that little bit extra, based on the fact im only that size....or is it enough to satisfy a woman in penetration terms. The girth is about 3.75 inches.


Im not sure if im avergae or small......may not matter to some people but id like to know what girls really think.



thx in advance

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Sounds to me like your doing ok, girth is just as important (if not more) then length. Length wise, I think you are average, but in girth, you seem to be above average.


If you know how to work it, then size really doesn't matter. But if you are self conscience about it, it will show and that is more of a turn off than size.

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The girth is more important than the length, I assure you. The length is at the smaller side, but not really much below average I think. The girth is more than average. I think it's normal. How old are you? Your penis can still grow. Mrjsmom is right, size is NOT important when it comes to relationships.

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hmmmmm thats cool..........im in my early 20's so unlikely to do much more growing. Im surprised that my girth is enough...its certainly doesnt look very thick.........maybe its jsut my perception of it..........thank god for that. The problems started when my ex made very unpleasant remarks about its size and then i started getting very neurotic........nice girl

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yeah cos i alwys thought i was about normal and then reading the wildly varying reports on the net, im none the wiser. So it was best to ask women anonymously i thought. Actually ive just checked and i was wrong it seems,,,,im actually about 4.5 girth..........which according to the data is still too thin. Its all a bit of a nightmare. Im not bothered if im not big, i just want to think that a girl will consider me 'small'. Avergae is ok with me.


Can a girl get sufficient pleasure from what ive got.....penetration wise..........or is it always going to be 'lacking'.........?

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Your ex really hurt your feelings... I know how it feels! I have very small breasts and I am thin (no curves). One of my exes would actually make comments about a waitresses breasts when we were out for a drink. Look, there is a reason that you are not with her and that I am not with that guy. It has more to do with rudeness and disrespect than with actual 'abnormal' sizes.


Yes, a girl can have MUCH pleasure. My first bf had the same size as you, and since he was my first I really had little comparison. I never thought about size, and we had a very good sex life. Did you have sex with anyone else after your ex?



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Yeah recently, but not for any long period. I was nervous, for the first time in my life(apart from the first time). Im a pretty confident person but after someone tels you you have a small penis, are * * * * in bed and that their ex was far better looking than you, you tend to feel a little deflated....even if it is said in spite and not necessarily true. I always thouht i was about average in that dept, until recently. There ar some lines one shouldnt cross especially in a serious and meaningful relationship, even if things are going wrong.


Its funny cos her ex used to do the same as yrs...strange she didnt learn from it. ive never said anyhting like that to a woman, even in a breakup.........its deeply insulting and offensive and im aware how sensitive women are about it. For what its worth, not all us guys love big breasts and while you may not have all the curves you wish for, a slender woman is extremely elegant. Infact until the last few decades it wwas widely considered amongst the aristrocracy of europe that owman of good blood, culture etc, were on the smaller side of things. You could not (if you were nobility) go back to your family with a big breasted woamn without eyebrows being raised. (certainly it was considered less favourbale than slender) A woman with a slender figure was always considred to be of great elegance and sophistication.(no slight on those bigger breasted girls meant ) So it just goes to show how trends change.

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According to research done by the Kinsey Institute the average length of an erect penis is 5.9 inches and the average girth of an erect penis is 5 inches. According to the averages you are below that, but that does not effect your ability to do other things such as oral sex.

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I thought I would post a quote from one of the most famous and desired porn stars, Asia Carrera, regarding penis size: "... smaller is definitely better! You can reach my G-spot just fine with your finger, so anything else is redundant!"


Although your size is below average according to one research study (who did they study anyway?), you can relax knowing that women who really know sex (porn stars) prefer smaller penises. As Asia Carrera said, a finger can do the job just fine and your penis is way bigger than a finger, so it's no problem.


We live in a "bigger is better" society. An American woman will look at your penis and think it's small, but if you are in a loving relationship, it won't be an issue.

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hmmmmm thats cool..........im in my early 20's so unlikely to do much more growing. Im surprised that my girth is enough...its certainly doesnt look very thick.........maybe its jsut my perception of it..........thank god for that.


Well, is the 3.75 inch girth the circumfrence or the diameter?


It sounds like you're on the smaller end of average, but still in the normal range. Regardless of penis size, sex should never be only about penetration. "Going the extra mile" should be a normal part of sex. Foreplay shouldn't be considered optional.

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