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Just a quick update for you all.

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As some of you know, I was supposed to see my ex on the 8th and go see Pirates of the Caribbean with her. She ended up canceling the meeting, and I kinda shrugged it off because I didn't really care. I have officially reached the point where I no longer care if we get back together or not. Our contact lately has dropped to very limited, and I just don't care. That's not to say that I wouldn't like getting back together, because I would, but if we don't I'm perfectly fine with it. I'll still be around, and I'll give periodic updates/advice.

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Don't get back together with her no matter what. Its best to let her go.


My theory is, date once... dating again only works if its within the week of the break up.


Time makes people see the light, and makes the bad things worse than they were initially... because brooding about the person that hurt you... is what we all do to make ourselves feel better about the situation at hand, thusly makes you subconsciously more angry than before.



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