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In What Stage of Grief Are You?

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I just hit 5 two days after I read this quote:

I dont miss him, I miss who I thought he was.

It takes time for me to digest it, but it felt so true. I'm not sure if he's the person I think who he was any more. I think that's one of the reasons why I was/am depressed. But it's also good because I didn't lose anything by losing, I just made a mistake when I judge him. I just need to improve my judge skill. (Or I'm in denial about my feeling.)

I still experiencing 4, but not sure any more if it's because of the breakup.

hope I wouldn't go back to 4 that often or any other stage. I'll probably will, but I feel good now.

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I just hit the first chord of Stage 5 this morning and I feel like throwing myself a party!


blueberry-- isn't it chilling to take it one step further (no pun intended), and say, maybe I never knew who he was in the first place? Maybe I imagined all along he was that person and now his true colors have shown?

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