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should i trust him

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K well this ones mainly for the boys. I was just wandering whether its normal for boys to txt and fne other girls whilst they have a girlfriend who they apparently love, but still kinda flirt with other girls. Basically i dnt knw whether to trust my bf cuz i dnt flirt with other boys but he does it with girls and then wonders why i dnt trust him.


is this a sign that his cheating or am i just being to suspcious

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Its doenst necessary mean that its a dangerous sign.. He could be a flirty person.. You should be the one who tells us so.. Whether he has a flirty personality and he do this with every girl.. within limits ofcourse..


Also does he treat you better than these girls ? How old r u and he ?


and also tell him about it.. Tell him that you dont like the way he is treating people around u

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I'd say it depends how close he is to that girl... If he is close then no I wouldn't worry about it, it is just in his nature... and not interferring in your relationship.


I would definitely not take this as a sign that he is cheating. You need something a bit more solid than that to suspect something.


I text and phone different girls all the time... It dodesn't mean I would cheat on my partner.


If it does start to interfere, then yes I think it is something to talk about.

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Well I don't know it all depends really.


I used to be like that with girls although I was (and still am) together with my girlfriend. She then saw me flirting with that other girl and got really upset and told me about it. Until that moment I didn't really realize flirting with her, it was somewhat subconscious. Bottom line is I didn't really have any intentions because I love my girlfriend dearly... but I may happen..


you shouldn't really be too worried, especially if they're close, she might just be a good friend. Best bet is to talk to him about it and say that you're worried, however, don't make a really big deal about it.

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Hey Lis,


I think we all have different boundaries when it comes to cheating. Most people will agree that having sex with someone else is cheating. But also kissing, and from that point on, things are less clear. I think I wouldn't really like the idea if it was really on a daily and flirty basis. I have maile friends and acquaintances, and my bf is not bothered if I send them texts to arrange to meet them or something like that. But the kind of silly flirty things are reserved for just my bf, that is special for us.


If you are bothered by it, tell him so. You can't decide what another person does or doesn't do. But you can be clear about what you can put up with. It's not healthy for any relationship if you are worrying about things like this all the time.



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I admit that I do flirt. It's just the way I was raised. I can't help it. But, I have never and never would EVER cheat on anybody. So, I don't see flirting as a sign of any cheating.


Likewise, I really truly am not bothered if the guy I'm with is flirting. I guess it doesn't bother me because I don't equate flirting with cheating.

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men and flirting is like apples on an apple tree it comes naturally i am and probably always will be a major flirt but thats all. Every partner i have been with has known it but i've never cheated on any of them, generally most of the numbers and people i have in my phone book are female i just love the feeling of flirting it makes you feel attractive and the other person why personal oppinon is its a bit of harmless fun. I have never minded when girlfriends have flirted. I hope this helps in some way.

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