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does it leak out?

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I was just remembering an old roommate talking about having sex with some guy and they didn't use a condom and later on that day, she, er, well leaked. I guess his come leaked out later on that day and came down her leg. She was a little grossed out.


Anyway, is this a common thing that happens if you don't use a condom and the guy ejaculates inside a woman? Has this happened to anyone else?

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Hmmm...nice topic but a vaid question.


Um...yeah, this happens. But it's not too bad if you have shower afterwards. I rememember the first time this happened to me and I was like 'oh my god, what's going on?!', but it doesn't all stay there are the only way it can go is...down.


I reccommend the use of panty liners if she's going to keep having sex without a condom. It saves the leg, and your nice underwear

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Sure, it will leak out. Also girls can be so wet that some liquid leaks out also when he not ejaculated inside. When she goes to toilet after most leaks out. Sperm gets very runny after a few minutes.


I put tissue for my gf as she is too tired to get up. A wet towel is nice practice too but I am usualy to lazy unless she is sore in which case I also put vaseline.

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Couldn't have put it better than The Red Queen, yes, it does. That urge to go to the bathroom after sex usually takes care of it, if you sit still for a second and let it fall out.


(Funny Story): the first time that happened to me, as a kid (I started sex wayyyy too young, and *ugh* no, didn't use a condom either](*,) ) it was several minutes after the act itself. The boy and I were walking back from where we had done the deed, and I felt it happening. I stopped cold for a second, and wondered, "Did I just come? Is that what an orgasm is?"


Urination after sex is good for another reason, aside from the obvious: it flushes away bacteria that is forced up inside the urethrea (sp?) during the pushing involved in sex and can cause Urinary Tract Infections.

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Yup, where do you think the wet spot comes from?!?


Sometimes though even if you stand up, jump up and down, go to the toilet after, there is some residual that comes out hours later (this I have assumed is the stubborn swimmers that got higher up

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Urination after sex is good for another reason, aside from the obvious: it flushes away bacteria that is forced up inside the urethrea (sp?) during the pushing involved in sex and can cause Urinary Tract Infections.


people always say that, but I can't "pee on command", are you all able to do that or do you have the urge to pee? my husband says he just "feels like peeing" after sex, but he is male and I am female so I thought maybe we were different (duh)

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people always say that, but I can't "pee on command", are you all able to do that or do you have the urge to pee? my husband says he just "feels like peeing" after sex, but he is male and I am female so I thought maybe we were different (duh)


You may not pee a LOT, you just have to try and pee what you can. It's not so much peeing as trying to flush out those possible contaminants as best you can.

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The hours later thing RayKay mentioned is so how my body does things. After sex I'll go to the bathroom and think I'm done...but sometimes in the middle of the night I'll wake up and my undies will be all wet...it's like an uncontrollable release. It's basically just clear liquid too - it's not pee - it's just clear. The way I deal is just by wearing some good cotton undies after sex and when I feel the wetness I'll wake up and change.

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Yeah, it's normal.


I make her sleep in the wet spot. I claim it's not mine, but hers.


Seriously though, they usually just go the bathroom and push a little and it usually comes out.


However, I have fallen victim to them just going to sleep and me rolling over it in the middle of the night. My leg hair was painfully "glued" together that morning.

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Ha, you think thats bad, try yanking down the panties the next morning only to discover too late that a little came out during the night and has glued your pubic hair to your panties! Oooch!


Cheap Brazilian wax job!!!



Wow - ya'll can get pretty graphic when you want huh?

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I make her sleep in the wet spot. I claim it's not mine, but hers.


You are soooo sweeeet.


Ever had ants invade your love nest to taste all that sweetness?


We are tidier in the tropics where we can't keep them out of the house


Cheap Brazilian wax job!!!

That's a good one doyathink.

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LMAO all this talk of the wet spot makes me laugh. My BF and I try SO hard to not let the wet spot happen - after we're both done we'll stay connected for a few minutes to make sure we won't leak...and then we both hurry and get up at the same time and try not to touch the bed as we each run to the separate bathrooms HAHA we're weird - but hey - we rarely have a wetspot anymore

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