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I was dating my boyfriend for 2 years and 5 months. I am about to be a junior and high school and he just graduated. We knew that we were going to have to break up sometime this summer, but he insisted it be right before he left so we could spend our last summer together. I had a trip planned for 10 days right after school ended and unfortunately he had a trip to go on for 14 days right after i came home. So we would not be seeing each other for 24 days.

I told him that it might be a good idea if we broke up before I left because we woul dhave 24 days to cope and not talk or see each other. HE freaked out and begged me to stay with him and said that we could get through it. I was hesitant but then began to believe him and got extreemly excited about seeing him when i got back.

Right before I left he had gotten a new job. He met this girl who worked with him and it turned out she fancied him. He told me about this but because i had once cheated on him I had no right to say anything I wanted to about this situation. I had cheated on him about 6 months earlier and told him the very next day. Lucky for me he accepted my apology and we still dated.

So i left for my vacation a little worried about what might happen between them but I just told myself. If anything happens it will be something petty and we'll get through it. Boy was I wrong.

It turns out, everyday i was gone he was hanging out with this girl and his other co-workers. He made out with her 3 times and told his best friend that he felt like he wanted to date her not just mess around with her. Keep in mind i had no idea this was going on.

So i get home and hear the hung out everday i was gone, but still wasnt very worried. I got so excited after the 14 days was up and he came over as soon as he got home. The second he walked in the door i could sense the distance. It took about 30 minutes then he decided to tell me that he "couldnt handle a relationship right now". I begged and cried but nothing helped. He also kept saying "its not about marissa (the girl he works with) but i couldnt believe him.

Lucky for me marissa began dating someone when he left for his trip but he still doesnt seem to want to date me. I saw him at a party last night ( 2 days after the breakup) and we messed around. I know we shouldnt have but i felt like that might make him want to date again. He took me home that morning and he basically had to throw me outof his car cause i refused to get out. We talked a little and ended on an okay note, but i still dont know the real reason were broken up.

We only have a month left to date so i know it seems stupid to want to get back together. But i would love to have a mutual breakup and spend every last second with him i can.

Will he come back in time? Will he come back at all? HE NEVER EVER expressed ever in 2 years wanting to break up. this is suhc a shock. what do i do?

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You cheated on him before and got mad at him for hanging out with another girl everyday you weren't around. That doesn't make sense. He could have dumped you then. To tell you the truth I don't think he is coming back, he has already shown some interest in someone else. At the time he accepted your apology he could have just been thinking, I'll take her until I feel something for a differnt girl.


That is strange to plan your break up also. Why bond even more with him before parting again??? You are setting yourself up for more pain.


I would just stay away, and move on. That sounds like it would be best for you and him. You broke his heart when you cheated, him forgiving you was a bad idea. That was wrong, and if you cheated on him then maybe it would be best to find someone else you don't want to mess around on.

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Oh, I just assumed you were saying that the reason he was so distant from you was because he was with that other girl while you were gone. That he was lieing about her no being the reason, which I thought made you mad. I guess I'm out of line on that assumption.


How did he break your heart exacty?

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You're going to breakup because he is going away for college, or something like that right?


You agreed to stay together during the summer, right?


You went on vacations, for 14 days, and he cheated on you with Marissa while you were gone, right?


I guess he is already preparing to move on, maybe its time for you to do the same. You're too young to put your life on hold for a guy that is going away, and that has already proven you that he will cheat.

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I think you're on an age where "love" is being confused with "obsessive infatuation", you like the idea of having a relationship with him that your mind is making you think you were in love,you have let yourself get trapped into it.


Second, I don't see why would this be a healthy relation when he cheated on him first, then he cheated on you back, and finally, you wanted a break-up in the summer, then get back with him, it makes no sense. Both you guys aren't ready for commitment yet, you're just finding out what it's like being in a relation, but aren't fully aware of it's components yet, both you and him have yet still a lot to grow up.


Now what you have to be is get on with your life, accept the fact that he might never come back since he lfet you for the other girl, and do other stuff other then focusing on a relation, you're still in school, how about worrying about your grades, what will your future be, have friends to chill with and hang out, etc.

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