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Fate - Does it exist?

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I'm not so sure things are meant to happen but I do believe they happen for a reason. We are given choices in life...and we are in control of that but what does happen...I think theres a reason behind it...I also beleieve that in the end...whenever and wherever that may be for each of us, we sit back and say "oh! I get it now!"

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I believe that fate and destiny does exist to a certain extent, only it is not as simple as you have one path in your life. Nothing in life is that simple.


I believe fate and destiny is an intricate web of options all inter connections. You get the choice of which way to go, but the way you go opens up another range of options - which is what I believe is destiny.

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What a waste life would be if we weren't all destined to fill a spot in the big picture...


I firmly believe that Fate exists... I know that I was spared from that plane crash for a reason... maybe to be happy, maybe to have a moment in the sun where someone loves me, maybe for my awesome kiddos, maybe for one solid piece of wisdom I will impart from my death bed....


I don't know the whys, and I don't think I am supposed to waste to omuch time wondering...but I do know that my life has purpose...

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When I was really little, I believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy and FATE.


Now that I am not a lil' girl no more, I don't believe in any of them.


Fate does not exist. We carve out our own lives (like an artist putting paint to a canvas), creating our own destiny's.

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this is something i never really believed in, usually my theory was and still is,


everything happens for a reason. now if you fall in love... and you feel that this your ur destiny with this person you've falling head over heels for..but something happens and throws you off balance..


what if the belief that those feelings are what all you have to hold on to.that fate will take its course and what you felt to be so right and seeing yourself with this person for the rest of your life.and push the two of you back together..what if what seemed to be something conencidental turned out to actually be fate??


here is the thing, in my case, i went to a club with a bunch of my buddies, kinda forcely, wasnt in the mood, now it turns out..my friends were trying to p/up some women, so to help their cause they "threw me" (so to speak) into a girl to help their game, so i talked to this girl, hugged her didnt let go, and felt so comfortable as did she.(later told me how she felt). i got her number, but didnt call her for 3 weeks..(i didnt call her cause i was still talking to someone but it wasnt going anywhere..so i wanted to end that before i moved on...


one night i was supposed to meet up with that other girl, but plans fell through. so i called up my buddys and they said that they were going to a bar and meet up with those girls from the club, i was like ok i will come by for a few beers and leave..


so me and my bud went to the bar to meet up with these girls, and there she was sitting down (as i was walking into this bar, i was trying to remember what she looked like, but couldnt) i saw and was like ..she is hot! so i tried talking to her to be nice and everything..she totally gave me attitude right off the bat, and brought up the fact that if you're going to ask for a girl's number you should actually call her and so on...i took that like a man, but kept trying and we slowly hit it off that night. as we were all leaving that night in the parking lot, we all moved our cars close by and turned them on, since it was cold, so when i got out of my car she was standing with her hands in her pocket and she had her back to me and there were these gaps between her corpse and her arms...she couldnt see me, i went right up behind her and slide my hands right through those gaps and put my hands in her pocket, and she didnt flinch ( it felt right to do that) and it was nice..so i mean right after that we hit it off and it was amazing, fell in love and everything else..than she broke up with me for some personal reasons.


during our relationship we talked so much about the possible future, it felt right it was easy to talk about the future because of how we felt about each other and how possible it could be...


so i mean even though we broke up, having those thoughts of the future still havent been tarnished..simply because it felt right saying things about the future because it seemed within grasp. to have fate bring us together once is possible (or you could say it was coincidental, or shear fluke, or it happened for a reason...god only knows, but if it happened once, wats not to stop it from happeneing again..??


being practicle and rational about situations such as these only take you so far..(because thats when it will slap you in the face and know how i felt) because if you dont believe and follow what you feel, you will never know, so to deteriate the idea that fate doesnt exist is purpostarous.


so sometimes fate is all we have to hold on to and to believe in...especially if we've experience something that felt so real and so true...its all you know!

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I believe in it and dont...


I believe that you have infinite choices that you can make in your life, these choices eventually lead you down a path, which in a way is fate.


These choices can be as big as choosing your career, moving to a different country or as small as checking your email before you go to work in the morning.


The choice is yours and so is your path, but regardless of your choice, it has been planned anyway, weather you choose to be a pornstar or try to be the President of the United States.


Its hard to explain in short what I mean, but if you get it then good! if you dont, then you will in some other life

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