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He has a small penis, and I feel like a jerk.

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Hey Carl,


Welcome back to the convo Lol..


but kzkz went for surgery not because he's weak, pitiful etc and needed to work on this own self - but if he's experienced women like urselfs, where they could'nt feel anything and thereforeeee he got rejected..


I'm not at all implying that kzkz is weak or pitiful, not even close.. What I'm simply suggesting is that it's never a good idea to completely base your own self opinion on OTHERS' opinions of yourself..


If I'm dating a guy and he says, "I don't like your thighs," I can wig out and obsess over my thighs, or I can conclude that this guy should no longer be my boyfriend. It's up to me. It's dangerous to go to such lengths to please people who are that picky...


That being said, I am starting to believe that "confidence" is a BS idea and that no one has it.

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Yeah.. It's old


Actually, a really random thing happened..


The guy that inspired this thread lives very far away from me.. and we had generally stopped talking, not because I broke it off with him, but because we had a falling out and he decided it was best not to continue contact with me. But he randomly messaged me this morning. I hadn't spoken to him since around the time this thread was posted.




Spooky. Maybe he was wondering why his ears were burning so bad ... lol

I'm with Jadedstar. I didn't realise this was another case of an old thread being "bumped" by someone who couldn't resist commenting. I was also glad to read that your encounter (so long ago) ended harmlessly.


But I stand by my earlier remark. The only similarity between the fat woman/small penis man scenario is that both involve judging people over a superficial body issue. But judging a person by their appearance from afar without them ever being aware is VERY DIFFERENT to getting involved with them then dumping them, causing them heartbreak and possibly damaging their self-confidence.

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The only similarity between the fat woman/small penis man scenario is that both involve judging people over a superficial body issue.


I don't think it's that superficial to judge a guy because he has a small penis.. I mean, quite frankly, we are all sexual beings, and not being able to fully connect with someone sexually could restrict the way we connect with them altogether.


Actually, I don't think it's wrong at all to have a preference for blond/brunette, large/skinny, etc. It just doesn't make sense to me to judge someone for a preference.


When you fill up your plate with food, you go for the stuff you like, correct? You wouldn't put something on your plate that you despise. So what's the difference????


Calling people superficial for having a preference is being superficial yourself, because you're judging superficial people. Wheee!!!

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My friend slept with a guy who was 2 inches hard and she said she felt nothing!!

It is a concern, don't feel bad about. Although sex is not everything, it is something!!

If you REALLY like him and it could possibly be love for the both of you...there are penile extensions he can get but he would have to understand this.

Otherwise, guarantee on relying on finger g-spot stimulation and clitoral stimulation alone.

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What planet are you from? This girl is concerned about sexual compatibility. if MORE people took sexual compatibility seriously, there would be far fewer need for sites like this and fewer affairs. Sexual frustration can be the root cause of many affairs.


I applaud her honesty. And who on earth said she bases her LIFE on this? Sometimes a question is only a question. Good grief!



I went from a 5 incher (which still felt good) to my husband who is 8 inches...there was a big difference....

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Just because i've very small, i've never thought the women who rejected me using some tact were superficial or shallow. What i had problems with, was the cruelty and the power dynamics - i suppose ppl like to elevate themselves above another human being for esteem and a sick pleasure - i think its a natural instinct and thereforeeee neutral and fine about it these days. Not that i have much say in the matter -)


We are all shallow, selfish and all want self-satisfaction - that's what all relationships are about. You find that out quickly when your the undesired. You don't see much altruism in relationships, only if the other person has many good features and you really want to hold onto them, then u might start to believe that ppl can be unselfish. We do what we want, when we want and always towards our own aims, goals and ambitions.


Lets just accept that were all shallow, superficial, materialistic and self centred as its human nature. We can only care about ourselves at a deep level. If your partner doesn't meet your goals, standards then ur going to look elsewhere. I'm just as shallow, superficial as the next person and want to date gorgeous, intelligent, slim and sexy women and probably wouldn't look twice at an overweight women, unless i got to know her first.


In my situation, i do wish this christian thought of selfless, unconditional love applied it would make the world a happier place - although, it couldn't be further from the truth. Your just a vehicle to ther other person's happiness, joy and pleasure and thereforeeee its fully conditional.


Whose gonig to have more joy with women in this example. A 5ft 5in, Woody Allen with a great personality or a tall, hunky brad pitt with a python. Most women would go for the latter guy, maybe when they mature and want to settle down, they'll put the soul of the person first. Its still dubious though. Most of life is just a lottery of genetics and if you get the back end you just have to accept it and move on.


A couple of my friends, back this up aswell. Physically very appealing, yet not the best personalites and have 10x more success with women. Even, if i wanted children, i think i'll skip it and just let the hilter or platonic ideals of higher types reproduce and create more successful overspring. I don't mind some noble eugenics, not of the hitler sort, bad example.


For me, its not shallow or superficial but just part of the unconscious and of being human. I would only say women are shallow, superficial, empty, pathetic with no depth for being size hungry - to create some guilt and ill feeling within them, so they might cut small men like myself, some slack and be more reluctant to finish with them. Just as the weak, moan when they are cheated on and say your evil, wicked and a terrible man all in their own self interest and to hopefully stop the man cheating on them in the future. Who says cheating is wrong? only the weak, as with most of morality it comes from fear. Most relationships are about a power struggle, if you dig deep within the coal mine.


Everyone has a perspective to benefit their personal self interest, pleasure and happiness. I think ppl's beliefs, morality, motivations are more complex than many of us really believe... always something hidden behind these mere appearances, a duality. Still even with a little willy, i'm all for women seeking out the larger member if that's what they require for maximum sexual pleasure. I'd do the same in their shoes.

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Lets just accept that were all shallow, superficial, materialistic and self centred as its human nature. We can only care about ourselves at a deep level. If your partner doesn't meet your goals, standards then ur going to look elsewhere. I'm just as shallow, superficial as the next person and want to date gorgeous, intelligent, slim and sexy women and probably wouldn't look twice at an overweight women, unless i got to know her first.


Glad you are being honest! FOr every women you turn down for her weight, maybe two turned you down for your penis size. Or vice versa. At least you get the concept that some of these things might hold weight, and everyone is entitled to their own views.


And you know what? There ARE some women who would rather have a decent guy who was not into debauchery with the "boys" and all of these other superficial little boy things that some grown men like, than one with a good long schlong. Yup they do exist. This thread was not even about that. This thread was just a woman showing concern over one that was really really small...and i understand you projecting your own fears, hurts and shortcomings into the convo, but there ARE women who will love you for who you are IF you also are a decent guy in other respects.


One thing I hate, and i mean it is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, are guys who have shortcomings in looks, and maybe the endowment issue, but who are still little butthead jerks who THINK women are turning them down for the exterior issues when REALITY says they are turning them down for being arrogant or just totally NOT in tune with people. Oh yeah, I've seen that a lot. It's like.. come on dude, concentrate on why you are REALLY getting turned down. It might not be the physical at all. Maybe she doesn't like your personality.


Now this may not apply to you at ALL. But if you can glean anything from it, please do. If not, maybe another person will read this post and note some take aways.

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I don't think it's that superficial to judge a guy because he has a small penis..


Well, you're not exactly judging him with any sort of depth, so what would you call it? You're judging someone on a strictly physical issue that in the greater scheme has no bearing on their worth as a human being. Consequently, it's superficial whether you're prepared to call it that or not.



Actually, I don't think it's wrong at all to have a preference for blond/brunette, large/skinny, etc. It just doesn't make sense to me to judge someone for a preference.


Like I said earlier, there's nothing wrong with having preferences. They shape our ideas of our perfect partner. The issue I have is when people treat others badly because of those preferences, ie. dumping the small *mod edit* man/fat woman and hurting them. It's how we treat people that reveals what sort of people we are. So it makes sense to judge someone because of a preference. I'd even say it's wise if they are rather cruel individuals.


If I knew a man with a particularly small wanger and he was planning to ask out a well-known size queen, I'd advise him against it. But I'd probably invent some other reason to spare his feelings, like telling him she was the town bike or some such. If he insisted on pursuing her, I leave him to it, since you have to let people live their own lives and make their own mistakes. He'd discover for himself that she wasn't worth getting mixed up with when he got laughed out of bed.



Calling people superficial for having a preference is being superficial yourself, because you're judging superficial people.


No, I'm merely being judgmental. And since I'm doing it over deeper issues like someone's behaviour, it's not over superficial. Now go ahead and judge me and call me pedantic ...

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Well, you're not exactly judging him with any sort of depth, so what would you call it?


Who's to say that it has no depth?? Sorry, but I totally disagree. It's not like it's an issue of his hair color, like, Damn, he's blond, I'd never talk to him. That's not the issue at all.


Like I said earlier, there's nothing wrong with having preferences. They shape our ideas of our perfect partner. The issue I have is when people treat others badly because of those preferences, ie. dumping the small **** man/fat woman and hurting them


You're saying that preferences are okay to have, but on the other hand I'd be wrong for dumping someone because of my preferences?? That makes no sense. Then what's the point of having preferences if you're not allowed to exclude dating partners on the basis of them???


P.S. I never treated him badly, I just didn't sleep with him. And dumping someone because they dont match your preferences isn't "treating someone badly."

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Do you like this guy? Would you sleep with him anyway?

Size dosn't matter, its what you do with it that counts.

My BF is about the size of the wedding ring finger (not sure what that finger is actually called) he's not the biggest guy I have ever been with, but he's definatly the best, hands down! I'd love this guy even if he had no penis.

If you like this guy, then go for it, he might really surprise you.

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Think about this, some of my EX's usually come back to me after they have dated around, because Im not so small. Size does kind of matter in the long run. Maybe I was gifted, but if you think about it, would you really want to spend the rest of your life, with a guy who has a small penis?


The girl I was about to marry, up and left me for some guy, but he just happened to have a small one. I was her dirty little secret. Personally I would say drop him, because that is embarresing

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Yes "size does matter" has some truth, but a few years back an ex of mine left me high and dry for a guy with a good bit less in the trouser department(don't ask how I know and I know he was self conscious about it again don't ask me how I know). They're still together. What does that tell you? It tells me that I wasn't satisfying her in some or most other areas. Looking back I have to say I wasn't. I was being a * * * * at the time and no amount of extra inches/CM in the * * * * dept. made up for that. Good lesson for me learned.


If you worry about the size of your penis without worrying about other things you're doomed to failure. It's part of the package(no pun intended), but as I found out to my cost, it's not the be all and end all of a good relationship.

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I would rate the size thing like a cosmetic thing or a charecter trait.. It is nothing more, then one of a million different things that make up a person.


I am not a girl but I am sure that most girls that got a question "Could you be with a guy that had a small penis?" would be the same as a question if they could be with a guy that was fat, skinny, pale or whatever.. From my epxerience women have never really cared much about the size of my penis.. I am pretty average about 6".. The only times it has even come up is if I asked directly about it, and I would get a short answer that it was perfect or fine or so.. Does not seem to be something women really think about much.


I do not see why some people feel they are blessed by the gods, because they have a big one.. Is it really THAT big a deal? I personaly think its all hype.

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size matters, but only if you know how to use it. There are variables. I personally have learned to use my size to my advantage. If you can train your mind, and be physically fit, your always going to be better off.


If you have a large one, but dont know how to use it, or how to please a girl, it really is only a temp thing. This is why you get better as time goes on. Guys wiht small ones have to make up for it some how, just like people who arent blessed with good looks, have to make up for it in personality.


From feed back from many girls, I have found that I was the best, why? because I not only work out all the time, I have a large one, but I train myself to last longer. I have also been with women very experienced, so they always tell you the best tips. Most women like foreplay, before and durring. You wanna make each time different. This is all IMO/

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I would rate the size thing like a cosmetic thing or a charecter trait.. It is nothing more, then one of a million different things that make up a person.


But even if someone is overweight, they can still have sex.. Or have small boobs.. things like that.. but this happens to be a pretty significant trait that he has.. I mean, it's not the nicest thing to say, but seriously.. that's a problem! Sex is a hugely integral part of a relationship. It's a way to cement the bond a couple has.

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