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i just broke up and i already like someone else

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hello, i'm not sure what's going on with me but i just broke up and i met up with this guy that i use to know and i really like him alot. is this to soon? and is it a rebound? because i'm not sure if i'm over my ex. but i know when i'm with this new guy life feels really good. so is it to soon for me to fall in love with someone else?

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Please stay parted with this other guy. That relationship was way way too volatile and dangerous in my opinion.


I see nothing wrong with spending time with someone new if it feels right to you . Be sure that he is aware of the relationship that you just got out of and understands that you are dealing with getting over it all.


I am sure it feels really good to spend some time with this new guy, and you actually already knew him from before.


Just take it very slow with this new guy if you continue to see him.


I would lean toward taking some time from not seeing anyone new so quickly, but that is up to you on your end.


Good luck !!

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hey cinderelly65, i prob. may not be the best one to give u any advice rite now, cause my gf has just left me for someone else about a week and a half ago too The situation is kinda the same. Her and I were in a LDR for most of 9 yrs and she decided that she couldn't do it anymore, and without telling me anything or ending the relationship, she'd already started something new with someone else (about 3 weeks ago)... anyways, here's what i have to say...


3 yrs is a long time to me; but i don't know the complexity of ur relationship.. But in general, i would suggest that u take some time to get over you ex completely before moving on! That is, if moving on is what you really want to do...

its only fair to yourself and to ur ex to take some time.

it's my firm belief that once 2 ppl are in love, love conquers all. if you both wanna make things work, it'll work! - call me a sucker for love if u want...


we all can suggest diff. things to you, but at the end of the day, it's entirely up to you. it's all about what makes YOU happy!


coollady1957 had some good words there for you...pay attention to them!


i'm not sure if u'r aware of the old sayings "A New Broom Sweeps Clean"...and "The Grass is Greener on the other side"...see, at first, everyhthing will seem "better," all nice and peachy with this new guy - after all, you're only really going to want to notice the good in him... (especially if you didn't like the way things were going with ur ex). You might have been looking for excuses to leave...who knows..? But anyways, that's a bit besides the point..


you've been in a 3yr relationship and been broken up for about a week and a half now.. i think it's most def. too soon to move on. there's no hurry. Figure out first of all who makes u most happy. Figure out who YOU want to be with. You have to realise that it's not the end of the world if you take some time to be alone and get to know yourself. self awareness is very imp't in this life we live.


if you truly were in love with your ex, then i would think that u would need some time to heal, some time to accept the lost of not having him around anymore. I'm sure u 2 shared alot during those 3 yrs together - i know we did (my x and i, over those 9yrs). Being with someone else right away does for sure make the breakup easier for you to handle, but u don't want to wake up one morning as some old, miserable person. Let the wound heal! Make sure you part completely with your ex before moving onto new things - only u can know if u have healed enough. only you can tell if you are ready and comfortable to move on!!


My ex went from loving me to loving someone else, quick status. she claims to have moved on, and is presently in love with her new bf (after about 3wks of knowing him). I don't know about that...?!, maybe you can let me know what you think!!


See, she had loved me 10 times more than i had loved her...or so it seemed. But after we broke up, my heart hurts (like HELL!) and it seems like she doesn't feel anything; and i say it's because she's covering it all up by rushing into something with this guy... she seems almost inhumane!


anyways, i've been going on and on.. i apologise for such a long post, but i hope it helps.



...btw, how does your ex feel about this whole thing? is he hurting? does he want it to end or does he want to work things out??

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