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He spied on his sister and jerked off to it…

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We've been together for a long time.

We have our problems and everything…

But…he just told me he used to look at his sister through a keyhole when she was taking a shower. And after that, he used to jerk off to it…

I was disgusted by that, I must admit…

Mind you, he was 13 at the time… Still…


Oh, of course, he used to look through the same keyhole at other females taking shower, I understand that… BUT HIS SISTER?


What do you think? Is it 'normal'?

I really don't know what to think

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If it was when he was 13, he probably had no idea how to handle his sexuality.


As long as


1) He stopped after he was 13

2) He doesn't do anything similar now

3) He realises its not appropriate

4) He didn't abuse children then or now


then its not a massive deal.


I imagine it was more the thrill of spying than his actual sister he was getting off to.

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It doesn't really matter what age you are, looking at family members in that manner isn't healthy.


You mentioned that he was 13 years old when he was doing this... Do you know if he still does it now? If not then I would let it slide as he was probably just curious being that young. Otherwise I think he might need some proffessional help.

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If it was when he was 13, he probably had no idea how to handle his sexuality.


As long as


1) He stopped after he was 13

2) He doesn't do anything similar now

3) He realises its not appropriate

4) He didn't abuse children then or now


then its not a massive deal.


I imagine it was more the thrill of spying than his actual sister he was getting off to.


No, he doesn't abuse children now… He's normal… Or so I thought.

But the way he told me how perfect his sister's boobs were…

That totally freaked me out…


He will turn 45 soon (?!) When I see him looking at 18 years old I'm freaking out…


But, no, no kids (well, at least not under legal age)

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no that is all wrong.


Men I know don't feel that way at all about their sisters and would freak if they saw their breasts.


curiosity at 13 is fine but jerking off, mme not sure. But to talk about it openly in his 40's, i feel that is not right.

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He’s normal… Or so I thought.

But the way he told me how perfect his sister’s boobs were…


When did he make these comments? If it is recently then yes I think he needs to seek some kind of psychometric help. This isn't normal at all.

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I think if HE was very young at that time, it's not really something to worry about. But I imagine you DO worry about this, I would freak out as well if my man told me something like this. What led to this conversation in the first place? I think Antilove is right, when a young boy starts to get sexual feelings, they might be all over the place and he might not have known at that point how to handle them.


How old was his sister at that time? If she was around 15 and really developing as a woman, I think it might have been a sort of sexual curiosity.


However, it's strange that he'd comment this way about his sisters boobs. That is VERY odd in my opinion.



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At 13 he was a walking hormone, probably he thought of her sister's boobs as perfect as they were the first ones he had seen? And being the walking hormone/sperm bomb a 13 y/o is, anything, even a chicken with boobs would have turned him on.


If at this point he is normal, and doesn't has any freakish sexual behaviors, don't you think he may have grown up and got over that phase in the last 27 years???

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What he did age 13 is sort of normal testosterone driven curiosity.


Indications behind bringing it up in a conversation at his age depends on the context: Unless you were discussing youth experiences, it is _not_ normal and he may have pedophelic ambitions and should seek counseling and treatment.

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I've heard a lot worse than this, like brother and sister helping each other mb8 and givin g head. It's not right but it's a phase many people go through.


Sometimes cousins pet with each other and I've heard cases of uncles/nieces and aunties/nephews.


If it goes on after adolescent, it's a problem. He may be saying how he felt at the time.

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I would like to know in what context he told you this...


Were you both talking about stupid things you did as kids, or first your first embarrasing sexual experience??


The first time that an adolescent connects to good feelings they get from touching themselves and an actual visual stimulus is usually (for boys esp) a momentus occasion. I bet 9/10 of men can tell you the first time they saw an actual pair of boobs up close and personal. He was probably just giving you sort of a state-of-mind-at-the-time comment. You know, "they were the first pair he had ever seen, so they were perfect".


May be that he was a late bloomer, too and was doing something at 13 other boys might know better than to do by then...

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Based on this post, and a previous post


I'd have to say that something is definitely off with this man. When you look at the big picture: His sexual interest in his sister, his comments about other women's bodies and body parts, his blatant interest in sex with other women..... if you want a committed, secure, respectful relationship, this isn't the guy for you.


Sure a lot of men are visual and like the female body- hormones are intense during the teenage years, but few men could look at their own sister though a peep-hole without feeling disgusting and perverted! He's bragging about it- and that is cause for concern.



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Thanks so much to everyone.


"But, no, no kids (well, at least not under legal age)"

What exactly do you mean by this?

Oh, just that he never showed any interest in children, no paedophilic tendencies.

Although, taking into account his age, someone who's 18 could be considered a child, compared to him (his own kids are older than that).

When I see him looking at girls younger that his children, it doesn't feel right to me…


To those of you who asked how he brought it up in a conversation, we were simply sharing some sexual experiences, and it was like:

- Remember, when I used to spy on my sister when she was taking shower?

- What?!

- I must've told you about that before!

- Ummm, no you haven't… why don't you tell me now

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