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menstrual product...give opinion please!

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I wanted an unbiased opinion of this little thing before I order it. Personally, I think it is a GREAT idea even though it has been around awhile. Guys...you read this topic at your own risk!


I had my period a week ago and it was horrible. I usually use pads and they leak always on day 1 and day 2. I am not using cheap pads either...it just is getting annoying because it feels like a diaper. I change them often but they still leak. I tried tampons once... I hated it because it left my vagina DRY! Ooooo...painfulness! I like the idea behind it but at the same time I am terrified of TSS.


Recently I heard about menstrual cups and while the idea has been around for a long time I had never heard of it. It sounds wonderful. I even researched the different brands available. I immediately took link removed off my list since it is latex. I was then left with the link removed and the link removed. Both are made from silicone and while the Diva used to be stiffer they have since made it much softer.


I first heard about these from a forum I frequent. There was an entire thread about it that was started 1 year ago and is like 90 pages long about people's experiance with it. It seemed like very few people had any issues with it. I read through a lot of it and decided to get a Mooncup since they are the most comfortable since everyone says they forget they are in there....while with the Diva they can feel it just a little bit


But anyway...I want it because I am active and the idea of being self detained sounds good. I sometimes don't pack enough pads and when I am at school it is hard to find somewhere to get them. I am an engineering student and I really think that men designed the bathrooms. We don't even have a tiny trashcan in the stalls! also like teh idea of being able to swim on my period. You know how hard it is to explain to people that I can't do certain things like that. As I stated before I hate tampons and I worry about TSS with them. These cups do not absorb moisture but hold the menstrual fluid until it is dumped. It is completely safe as long as you clean it after every period (boiling for a few minutes), clean your hands before putting it in or taking it out, and I would probably boil it before my period just to be safe. You also have to rinse it out after dumping before re-inserting (public bathrooms...just carry a water bottle).


It lasts up to 10 years and you know how much money you cane save in that period? BTW, I wold probably replace it every 5 years...but still! It sounds like a good investment and it is good for the envirnoment. I should say I am a bit of a tree hugger...just a little bit. I hate creating unnecessary waste. This would be good for the envirnoment since it is not disposable.


The only down side I see is the pricy initial investment and the more hands on approach to using these things. Those things don't bother me but I have to order it online since I looked for the Diva at my local health food store and they did not have any. I am afraid of what my mom might thing...so I ask anyone who has made it this far...what do you think of it? I'm terrified to order it and getting some lecture from my mom about how nasty it is. Be completely honest...I bet a lot of people are thinking that sounds dirty. But as I mentioned as long as you clean it there is nothing dirty about it.

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I tried those for a while... Didn't really like them, they frequently shifted position and dumped while I was getting up from sitting down. Aske my OB why this was, and he said since I am so short and am short waisted too, that my canal isn't long enough to accommodate it correctly. He said that they made smalled custom sizes, but they would have to be dumped more often.


Its a good idea, and when it worked, it was very sanitary. Just didn't end up being worth the trouble for me.....

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I've never used menstral cups, but I like ALWAYS pads.


sorry boys for the TMI!!!!!

I've always used ALWAYS pads...I hate them. I am active so the glue always comes undone.


Also, vandgsmom, I am tall and have a normal lengthed torso for my body. I think my main problem will be the fact I am a virgin and have to stretch a little bit. I think my canal is not short though it should work for me.

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I have heard of these, but really know nothing about them. I can certainly understand the frustrations of pads and tampons as well. No matter what they always seem to leak , shift, or become uncomfortable.


Seems I am about at the point that I won't have to worry about any of it !! Perimenopause has wreaked havoc for the past year, and I haven't had a period since March 1. So lately no worries, with pads , tampons, leaks ,,,,,,, YEA !!!!


If you try the cup, I hope you have good luck with it.

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OH FINALLY, A Drip Pan!!!


After reading the info on it I think I'll stick to the more traditional products.It looks like you have to get in a wrestling match with it to get the thing out!

Hahaha...yeah that's a downside to it. But practice makes perfect and it comes with instructions. And these cups sit towards the end of the canal...as seen on the lovely image on wikipedia. link removed
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I have a divacup and I have to say it's a wonder. I love it.


It cost £17 and thats already less than I would have spent on tampons in the time I've had it (less than a year and looking out over 10 years I'm glad I don't have to keep paying out for them).


I had to have a little bit of a practice at getting it to sit right but now I've got the hang of it it's all great.


I'd highly recommend one to everyone.

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you can use dildos/vibrators in a non-sexual way - ie, "stretching yourself out."

I was rereading my posts...and I just have to ask you this question. If I don't masturbate, why would I have any dildos/vibrators lying around? I just had to ask it so I could get it out of my system. Haha

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