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Yesterday I tried contacting my (of three years) girlfriend, sms and phone call and no answer. So I decided that I would stop by her house on the way back from the store to surprise her and see if she wanted to have lunch with me. I went to her place and no answer at her house or phones. So I tought she might have walked no the convenience store next to her house so I waited a couple of minutes, and nothing. So I started to worry because she had worked the night before and I did not even know if she made it home. I than drove to her dad's house to see if she was there, she wasn't. I told her dad what was going on. He tried calling her cell phone, she answered. Her dad told her that I was there and that I was looking for her. She sent me an SMS to go wait at her house. She said that I went to far that I went to go look for her at her dad's house. She was at the lake with her friends. I asked her why she did not answer her cell phone or at least text me. She said she just wanted some time off and that she was going to call me after she got back. She decided to end the relationship there. We where having problems about a month ago. She said that she wanted to take things slow. Did I do anything wrong? did I rush it by worrying about her? Right now I am extremely confused, she says she loves me and that she wants to get married and than she acts like this. Can anybody help me with some guidance?

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I'd have been worried too, and probably would have reacted in exactly the same way. It sounds like she views this as the straw that broke the camels back (in reference to problems a few months ago)...


She could have at least replied to your SMS... it doesn't take that much effort to text a reply...


I'm at a loss, but I sympathise with you.

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She wanted me to stay in the country because of the job I have here, but my job requires me to move. We broke up about a month ago becuase she was not willing to leave, even though I was trying to get a job in country to stay. She didn't think that was good enough and wanted me to stay no matter if I have a job or not, even though the jobs are better in the States.

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I think part of it is because she has family here, she wouldn't want to move.


Is she a person who likes to travel or adventures?


Would the nature of your job require to stay in many different countries for a few months or years and then move again?

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She want to have some time off. It might be she doing some thinking on herself.


So, the most important things is both of you have to understand your own self first.


As in each of you list down the things you want in life this including where do you want to live, what condition of the job, and etc.


Then coordinate your goals and dreams together.


By this both of you will be happy knowing where both of you heading towards.

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well, we can't do that because she ended the relationship. She got mad said I went to far and that it was over. She hasn't called me or SMS me. She wants no contact with me. So know I am trying to move on, it is very hard because we where together for three years. Her reaction just broke my heart. Does anybody know how to cope with this the best way?

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Only you can answer how long before looking for someone else. I would not reccomend anytime soon. You need to take time to heal.


You asked for advice on hadling it and the advice is to wait. Don't look to others to make you feel better. Just wait.

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