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its been months and I have not heard a word!

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Hey guys, well it is 11:30 on a saturday and I am sitting at the computer


trying to get some work done, but I just can't. For some reason I am


going through another one of my downward swings because I miss my x.


We have not spoken for three months, and I mean absolutely no contact.


I just miss her so much, and hope that god willing our paths will cross


again. I am not waiting around for her,or anything like that. But that does


not mean that I do not miss her dearly. I just feel that if we got anopther


chance it could and would work, so I guess that I am hopeful that the day


will come when we can try again. But like I said, I am not waiting for her


just incase she never comes back, or incase I find something better. Who


knows it could happen, I just miss my friend, and she was my best. So


anyway I am going to go, I am just feeling down and lonely right now. I


hope that everyone else is having a better time than me.


thanks for listening.

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It sounds like you are taking the proper steps, trying to move on, and not focusing on the possibilty of reuniting, which I think is the best thing for you. I would suggest some "you" time, do some things for yourself, try not to dwell on the past. Take skydiving lessons, join a gym, take a correspondance course, (although is sounds like you might have enough work, sitting at home on the computer) just do something fun for yourself, and things will get better. One of my tricks when I think of the negative things in my past recently, is to block the thought before I let it start. Its kind of like a train going downhill. If you let it start, then it gets harder and harder to stop before it crashes, but if you catch it before it starts, and stop it then, it is a whole lot easier. I usually start doing something else. Hit the gym, go running, focus on some of the positives of my life, like my kids, or immediately start planning something else fun for the family. I know it may sound a little hokey, but it really does help. Hope everything works out for you.. take care...

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I know that it's hard when you looked at a ex as a best friend. I'm not sure why the two of you broke up but if your missing her and hopeing to get back together some day then I'm guessing that she broke it off. sense it has been three month, you could give her a call and start a new relationship as friends if you think that you would be ok with that and who knows may be spending time together will remind you both of what you had together and you'll get back together.




Good Luck

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