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Was it unsatisfied curiousity that killed the cat? I don't want to take any chances.

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1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)

2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)

3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


This is at least the second time I've seen this type of thing posted, and it's got me curious about all of you. What is YOUR sexual behavior, preference, and identity (if you don't mind me asking)?


As for me:

1. homosexual

2. bisexual

3. homosexual


p.s. Thank you, Managor! I'd tried the "new topic" button before, and didn't realize that the lists of forums it gave me were so I could choose where to post. I thought it was just redirecting me to other forums as though I wanted to see their new topics.

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1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)


Right now? Nobody.

Given the chance, men and women that I am attracted to and who are attracted to me.


2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)


I find men and women sexually attractive. I also go through periods of liking one more than the other and of not finding anyone sexually attractive.


3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


I identify as bisexual.

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1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)


My boyfriend. (men only)


2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)


My boyfriend and females. But when I'm in love with a guy I don't find any other guys attractive.


3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


I choose to be straight and so I identify with being straight. Most people get confused by that.

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1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)

2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)

3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


1. At the moment no one. If I had a choice, no one So, Asexual.

2. Both, to an extent. So, Bisexual.

3. Really not sure, I've identified as all 4 before (hetero, bi, homo, a) depending. Probably Bisexual.

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1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)

2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)

3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


1) Currently I'm single and not dating. I'm a virgin too (complete virgin, never had any type of sex)

2) Men off course

3) Hetero off course

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1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)

2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)

3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


1) Haven't had sex, but sexual activity (Hetero)

2) Bisexual

3) "Question Mark" (?) - probably bisexual

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1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)


Technically I'm not a virgin. I once had sex with a female. However, I envisioned myself with a male to enjoy the act (which involved me keeping my eyes closed during much of it). It wasn't horrible to be with a girl, but I got no satisfaction out of it. I just kept wanting to do it with a guy.


So, in my opinion I am still a virgin.


However, since then, I have made out with guys and I loved that alot more than sex with a girl.


So my sexual behavior will, most likely, always be homosexual.


2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)


Men. I only imagine myself with guys having great sex.


I tried imagining myself being with females, but it's moreless like doing a chore. Whereas with men the arousal and chemistry just flows effortlessly. Lastly, I would like to meet the guy of my dreams and share the rest of my life and love with him. It isn't just a sex thing to me.


Definitely homosexual

(however, I still think alot of women are hot...Like Sharon Stone, Halle Berry, Mena Suvari, and Gabrielle Union. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't appreciate feminine pulchritude. I just think men are more beautiful).


3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


Way gay. The female body just doesn't turn me on sexually.

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  • 2 months later...

1. Sexual Behaviour (who do you have sex with?)

For now, only with me, myself and I (does that make me a lesbian?


2. Sexual Preference (who do you find sexually attractive?)

Guys and girls. I usually enjoy more looking at girls than at guys. I find them prettier and more interesting. And like eye candy. Males are not that attractive, unless they're gay and fashionistas or something. I've always find them kind of dull actually.


3. Sexual Identity (what sexuality do you identify as?)


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By the way, this doesn't look as if you're looking for help.


I didn't realize there were requirements like that made on posting. I didn't come eNotAlone to get help - I came to offer it where applicable so I could feel like I was a part of the LGBT community. This is the only time I've ever even made my own post...I was just curious. I can't believe the first reply I got was to complain that I wasn't looking for advice...

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Ailec, are you aware that you posted TWICE on the SAME PAGE in the same thread without adding anything? Perhaps you should edit out one post.


LOL, yes obviously I am as I read all my posts almost everyday. I first thought that the poster was asking for help or a specifc question, then I notice it was just a question in general so I answered it.

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