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I heard of this in the movie 'City of God', a documentary true story movie that's based on the lives of two competing gangs in the streets of Rio-De-Jenerio in Brazil. One scene however came into mind reading this thread:


Try going to a Caribbean store, and buying Plantain, those bannana looking green things, and warm it up on a stove until the bannana is nice and warm and then, open it up, chop it up, mix it with oil, salt and some rice, eat it and and you'll have a nice meal of Planktain and rice.


The advice pertaining to the thread is something you'll have to read into, but I wouldn't recommend the movie because it's too violent.


(Just kidding)

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hummm, (blushing) I lay on my stomach, make a fist with one hand and the other hand underneth it and wiggel it/ move it under my clit. crazy as it sounds, but I don't know what my problem is, I just rarely get satisfaction any other way (besides a man). well except sometimes if I'm really wet I slide my fingers over & around my clit & inside. and that's fun.

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I can't see a fist being all that comfortable and the clit is a really small piece of tissue that is responsive to touch by pressure.


Hope this isn't too graphic, but I can usually orgasm by lying on my stomach, but kind of propping myself up on an elbow so that I have some leverage. Then I use my middle finger on my dominant hand to rub my clit. Lube helps too. I like lotion. It's cheap, always on hand, and it's not too messy. (Doubt I have any dry skin down around there). My clit is the most sensitive right before and during my period since that's when my hormones are the most crazy and women are the most fertile. I think that's true for most women. Sometimes I can orgasm in 15 min. and sometimes it can take 30-45 min. When you masturbate you have to think about something or someone that really turns you on...fantasy helps you to orgasm. If you are overly consumed if you are doing it right then you won't orgasm. You have to get in the mood.

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I don't understand the whole laying on the stomach thing that everyone is talking about...IMO, that would make things difficult...


My recommendation actually comes in the form of a book: What Your Mother Never Told You About S-E-X by Hilda Hutcherson, M.D. She's the co-director for the New York Center for Women's Sexual Health, and she knows her stuff. Page 76-83 covers orgasm and masturbation. It's $14.95 USD new, but you could probably find it on link removed for much less.


Good luck!


(p.s. if you don't want to buy the book but you do want the information, let me know and I'll type up a few passages for you.)

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Yeah definietly fantasies!

the fist thing, I've done it before it does work, hard to find the right position, but when I did But like you said the clit is responsive to touch by pressure & this gives a lot of pressure, so depending on how much you like it may work for you it may not. but definietly fantasies & have fun!

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I couldnt think up any good fantassies, is that weird? So I just thought about the last time my boyfriend and I had sex. Eh?



What makes you think that doesn't count as a good fantasy? - I LOVE mentally re-living awesome sex-memories It's better and hotter than anything I could make up.

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i never heard of laying on my stomach.. ill have to try that one out

but i lay on my back and prop. my self up a little bit like sitting on a pillow or whatever..

you just have to be confortable with your self and not to be scared to explore your self.

ohh yesss fantsy helps ALOT!!

i had i fantsy about hookin up with one of my guy friend for the longest time and what i wanted to do to him and all that good stuff..

Last week i acually got to live out that fantsy!!! it was amazing.

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