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stupid question about Myspace?

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I'm curious....now that me and my ex are on the verge of being friends...I wonder if I should add him as my friend on Myspace...we both seen each other's profiles...but I changed my profile to private cause of my career...I'm a substitute teacher...and we exchanged messages on there several times but I never told him about me changing my profile to private...I kinda wanted to see if he would say anything but he hasn't...and its been three days....should I add him as a friend and message him....or leave it like it is....I don't want him to think I'm dissing him or anything...but then again I don't want him to think I'm tryin to do anything else...I'm really tryin to keep my emotions in check in regards to our contact recently....opinons???

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I'm curious....now that me and my ex are on the verge of being friends...I wonder if I should add him as my friend on Myspace...we both seen each other's profiles...but I changed my profile to private cause of my career...I'm a substitute teacher...and we exchanged messages on there several times but I never told him about me changing my profile to private...I kinda wanted to see if he would say anything but he hasn't...and its been three days....should I add him as a friend and message him....or leave it like it is....I don't want him to think I'm dissing him or anything...but then again I don't want him to think I'm tryin to do anything else...I'm really tryin to keep my emotions in check in regards to our contact recently....opinons???


Sure add him. Then go to the beach and ask a bunch of good looking random guys to take pictures with you - they will.


Then post them on your myspace. He'll see you're going out and having fun, and you'll be in a better position for it.

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I have to agree with the others who have said not to add him. What's the point right now? I would wait until you are better friends first.


If he cares to know what you are up to, he will ask. And if he wants to be your myspace friend, he will request it.

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Sure add him. Then go to the beach and ask a bunch of good looking random guys to take pictures with you - they will.


Then post them on your myspace. He'll see you're going out and having fun, and you'll be in a better position for it.




not an altogether TERRIBLE idea...but risky.

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its funny....cause I had done the beach idea already...lol...the same day I got back from the beach I posted two pics and made my default pic one of the beach pics....a minute later a guy friend posted a comment about the pic sayin that I looked nice....and then five minutes later my ex sends messages voluntarily tellin me that he notices that I take a lot of pictures!!! but I think I won't add...i'm not comfortable doing it...besides...I feel if he cares to know what I'm up to he will put a request or etc...before I went private...he had a chance to see my profile and see all the pictures I have on there from going out and having fun...and he already made remarks to me about how thats good I'm having fun and etc...so I guess its a good opportunity w/ going private...first of all I need to do it cause my my job...but secondly I guess its a good way to see if he'll request me...hee hee

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but thanks for the opinons all...it made me feel more comfortable about not adding him!!! now I dont feel as guilty about going private and not tellin him or addin him.....after all he can still msg me........or add me

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