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what kind of girls do players...

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make their gfs? i always wonder about this.


i mean some players seem to have had gfs in the past for like a yr or two? even though they have had lots of friends with benefits?


so why would a particular girl become their gf? j/w.

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*edit* (There are 2 breeds of Player. Cheaters, and Genuine guys. For the purposes of this post, I'm going to assume we're talking about geuine, up front and honest about it players)


What an excellent question.


I can only speak for myself, but perhaps I can answer this question...


Aside from general compatibility, common interests, etc. What really matters is VALUE. (realtive value to each other). Players are high value men, due to either their looks, confidence, social status, money, whatever. They earn their player status because most women are automatically attracted to these types of alpha guys.


So how can 1 woman match the value of a player, who can be with as many women as he wants?


The most important thing is looks, hands down. Where a womans biological attraction switches are deep and complex, a mans attraction mechanisms are far simpler. We are primarily visual creatures. There are many different types of physical beauty though, and every player has a different ideal for face and body.


If your aim is to take a player out of the game, you've gotta bring alot of beauty to the table.


Ok, so beyond beauty, let's talk needs. Not just for players, but women and men alike:


1. Mental

2. Physical

3. Emotional


If a player is going to consider settling down with just you, you'll need to make him feel like he doesn't need any other girls to satisfy these 3 core needs, despite the fact that he's always got other options.


1. Do your conversations flow easily together? Do you challenge each other intellectually?


2. Do you rock his world sexually? Are you affectionate to him? Do you always look your best for him?


3. How do you make him feel? Are you empathic with each other? Are you able to laugh alot?


Alot of this stuff needs to come naturally, but can be worked on with effort as well.


At the end of the day though, us players have alot more in common with women than we do regular men when it comes to the mating game...we have the power of choice, and can have fun until an ideal match comes along.


Every player is unique. If there is a certain player in particular you are trying to take out of the game, I would ASK him what he's attracted to, and you will have your answers to the questions you seek.

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What kind of girl? Whoever the guy happens to fall for!


I've noticed with players: 1)insecurity 2)degree of shallowness 3)selfishness


Also, they seem especially driven by the principle of wanting what they can not have.


What I've viewed is players often falling for someone who can give them what they won't do for themself, and/or, representing aspects that they do not see in themself. (strong moral structure, devotion to schooling or family, devotion to one person in general, etc.)


Players have big, fragile egos. Overall - why in the world would you CARE who they make into their gf?! Are you looking to reform someone?

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Explayer - wow. I never knew humans could be broken down like that. Quite creepy, to be honest.


I'm shaking.


Lesigh - my boyfriend quite happily got with me despite knowing I had a previous life as a player. I don't know why he did it, he must have fancied me or something.


And I fancied him too. You just never know who's going to Do It for you and make you think "Ya know..I want to try monogamy now".

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An interesting thing about players and their women is that often they can and do deal with quantity very well...but quality? I'm afraid thats something else alltogether. Even if they accidently fell into dating someone wonderful-- they probably wouldn't know what they had.

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make their gfs? i always wonder about this.


i mean some players seem to have had gfs in the past for like a yr or two? even though they have had lots of friends with benefits?


so why would a particular girl become their gf? j/w.


the type that make them 'work for it'

the type that don't give it up so easily


but beyond that, compatibility, intellectual capability and substance are very important


it helps if you're hot, just don't be a hot DITZ

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the type that make them 'work for it'

the type that don't give it up so easily


but beyond that, compatibility, intellectual capability and substance are very important


it helps if you're hot, just don't be a hot DITZ


I highly doubt that. To me it seems as though intelligent women scare them because intelligent women can detect deciet more quickly...

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An aquaintence of mine, Rob, is a player. I don't know whether he intends to play all the girls he does, or whether he honestly just loses interest real fast. He's 23 and he has been with 70+ women since he was 18. I do know he has said many times that this girl is a girl he wants a serious relationship with, and then 2 weeks later he's ditched her and moved on to another girl. I don't believe he is capable of a real relationship at this point in his life.


If a guy is a known player and you don't want to be another notch on his wall, then move on. Find a mature man who wants what you want.

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