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who should i choose , dating problem

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Who should i choose? dating problem?one guy: he is cute, rich, likes me alot and i like him too kind of, but he is a lady's man . he is not romantic , all about money and time

i feel i can be very safe with him. his got the connections and knows how to survive and not to get lost. always willing to help me, but not for free. tells me he loves me when he is drunk.


another guy: a bartender. poor. but cares about his future. loves me. tells me that everytime he sees me. gives lots of compliments. very romantic and will never cheat . but he is not a risk taker and not that attractive. i am not that physically attractive to him. but his got the best personality !!! always calls me for no reason, writes emails when i am on vacation. always willing to help.


who should i choose?

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I'd go with the guy who tells you he loves you when he's drunk...can't lose there! Sounds like me..."I love yoooooooooooooooou (INSERT: Burp here)


Seriously, if you're listing traits of guys to strangers and asking them who you should date...you might need to re-examine what it is you want in a partner and relationship so you'll recognize guy #3...just a thought...

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have both of these men asked you to be exclusive?


if not, you should date them both to see who you're ultimately more compatible with

you don't want to devote yourself to one guy at this stage because they could be players for all you know.

otherwise find out if they want what you want (be it casual fling, f-buddy relationship, long-term relationship, etc)



i also suggest dating other men...there are plenty of fishies in the sea

date around until you eventually meet someone you really like and you both decide to have an exclusive relationship


good luck!

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