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Air Force ~ College

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For the longest time I have wanted to serve in the military. I am a freshmen college student. My parents have known I wanted to join the military out of high school. I was about to sign up but my parents pressured me, they make me feel like crap, degrading my decision, making it sound like the worst thing in the world. So I ended up dropping the subject, but it is constantly with me.

I already have my college housing assignment and I go up for college orientation this coming Thursday. What should I do? Should I just go to a recruiter and take the test and then tell them what Im doing?


I'll repeat what my dad says to me if I even bring up joining.


"Your going to go to college and your going to like it." Then he starts yelling cuss words at the top of his longs then yells about how much of a failure I will be it I join. It's like he is forcing me.


I plan on going to college, no doubt in my mind I am going. I might even do some college in the Air Force. I just want to be in the military first.


I want to jumpstart to a job in our military, preferably aircrew in the Air Force. It is mentally and physically demanding. I know I will get life experiences that will put me ahead of the rest when I do go back to get my major.


any advice would be great.


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welcome to eNotalone


I think you should live your life like you want. You know, you can do both - air force, and college! there are many programs that if you serve in the air force, you can get a lot of money for college later.


You are legally an adult, if you think that this is the right thing to do, then go for it!


I finished college, am in grad school now, and I must say, college is hard enough even when you are 150% sure you want to be there. if you go in, already not wanting to be there, you will be 150% miserable.


good luck in your future.

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I also believe that you should make your own choice and decision. You are old enough to decide what you want. Even though you parents may mean well they should really let you decide.


My son joined the military right out of high school even though he had intentions of a college education as well. He went for his basic and advanced training ,and then enrolled in college. He has been deployed, but yet has still worked on college courses. Plus the military will help will the college education.


My son was 17 when he made his decision for the military and I have stuck by him and supported him , even though I may not have chosen that path for him myself.


I have seen young adults that were swayed by their parents insistence that they NOT do something and it only made things worse. I honestly do not see how you father could consider it to be a failure if you joined the military.


I say do whatever makes you happy and satisfied. If you truly want it , then by all means go for it. Your parents may not like it, but they will get over it.


Good luck with whatever you decide.

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I think your parents are worried.. but they are expressing it in the wrong way.


But I agree with the others, it's your life. You need to make your own decisions. You are an adult now and you don't have to do something that your parents are forcing you to do. You obviously really want to do this with your life, and if you don't, you will always regret it. Your parents aren't the ones who have to live with yourself forever. So they have no right to control what you really want to do.


I would say to go to a recruiter and figure it all out on your own. Then let your parents know what your final choice is when you figure it out. Maybe you could even still do the orientation on Thursday? Just in case you decide not to do the military thing.


Hopefully, your parents will respect your decision once they know that it's your final choice for yourself.


You probably already know it, but you won't be a failure if you join the military. Especially not when that's something you have always wanted to do. It's should be thought of as an accomplishment more than anything.

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Thank you all for your responses. I really do want to make this decision, but I cant tell you how releaved I would be if my parents backed me up in it. I guess it is a hurtle I can get over.


Thank you again for your well wishes.


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I know your parents are worried, considering all that is going on right now with the war and not knowing when all this will end.


But I honestly think they will get over it, if you decide to join the military. They can't stay mad or upset forever.


Do they realize how really important this is to you ? I was not all that much for my son joining either, but I listened to his reasoning and never said a word to him to discourage him.


I Know you would love to have your parents blessing, and wish it for you myself. But really you need to do this for YOU if that is what you truly want. You are a man now and time to make a decision that makes you happy.


I remember seeing the pride and the big smile when I told my son that I support his decision and back him up all the way. Down deep inside I was aching to beg him to not do it. But I want my son to be his own man and follow his dreams and that is what I allowed him to do.


How close of a relationship do you have with your parents? How would they react if you printed off the replies you have received here and let them read what others have said ?

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I feel like I'm talking to my former self here...


You pretty much described myself 12 years ago. College, USAF, parents, everything. I can tell you joining the AF was the best thing I ever did with my life. I went to college while serving, got out, used the GI Bill to go to school full-time, got a bunch of degrees and am now finishing a Ph.D.


Being on aircrew is going to make it tough to go to college though. Think about that. PM me and I'll tell you everything and more about the AF, college, and my experience with both...

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It is great to hear from you! I will send you a PM as soon as I can. As of right now it denies me permission, possibly becasue I just joined the site today.


I'll PM you then. Give me a little while here with that...


Actually no, I can't PM you either... Who's running this site anyway???? Just kidding...

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Listen to Frisco but...


People who want both military and AF have lots of options:


-GI Bill (what Frisco did)


-Get a degree and then go to a college recruiter at a career fair. They always have recruiters looking to hire graduates for management level positions


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"How close of a relationship do you have with your parents? How would they react if you printed off the replies you have received here and let them read what others have said?"


I am close to my parents, we never miss dinner without eating together as a family. I do something everyday with them. I'm really not sure how they would react, but I can guess that my dad would say almost right away, "your getting your degree first!" Then start arguing with me how this choice will make my life completely miserable. I may just try it.




"Listen to Frisco but...


People who want both military and AF have lots of options:


-GI Bill (what Frisco did)


-Get a degree and then go to a college recruiter at a career fair. They always have recruiters looking to hire graduates for management level positions



My twin brother is planning on doing Navy OCS to become a pilot or navigator. I looked into it but I always find myself back in the enlisted side. Who knows, maybe I will like the AF so much I may go into an officer program.


This part gets a little complicated. Originally I was all the way Urahh Marines right out of high school. I went to the recruiter kept in touch and was planning on signing, (afew buddies of mine already had). That was the most intense resistance from my parents I had received. Basically I was talked out of it by my whole family, my mother and fathers side. I "decided" then to go to University of Northern Iowa becasue there was an Army National Guard unit in town. I Was going to go to meps, but again my parents and whole entire family told me I was making a mistake. I dropped that and was then just planing on doing the Army ROTC, which is the only ROTC the university has. So I got trapped in this crazy mess, all the while I want to be an enlisted military person. I then started thinking, I dont need to carry a gun and fire at people to serve my country. I have always had an interest in flying so I looked at enlisted Naval and Air Force aircrew jobs, they caught my interest right away (especially the Air Force)


Right now I really do feel like vomiting. My parents are so confused why I keep looking at all these military jobs, I think it is becasue I am looking for thier approval on one of them. I'm not going to get it so I might as well take that big jump and just do it.

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im not in college but you are old enough to think for yourself. if that is what will make you happy then do it. i would love to go in the air force as well. if you cant get into that or you feel guilty go to google and type in Civil Air Patrol Auxilary of the Air Force and see what comes up its not the same but you get to fly and march and everything. i was in it and thought you might want to give it a try.


again you are old enough to make your own desicions its YOUR future and YOUR life. when you went to college your parents gave YOU the freedom to decide YOUR major. im sorry you have to be pressured like that. i feel ya.


keep us posted PM me if you have any question about the Civil Air Patrol(aka CAP) thing if you want.

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Enlist in the AF man. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'm a little envious of your position here because I know what it did for me and the adventure you're in for. It will change your life, guaranteed...


Plus, what have you got to lose? They pay you to learn and do a cool job and see the world. More importantly it's what you want to do! Plus they give you like $30K for college. You can't lose dude...


And it's only 4 years...not like you're getting married or anything!

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Thank you blade for your advice.

I actually participated in the CAP program during my early years of High School. I had a great time, learned some neat stuff. Eventially dropped out because of a sport and work. I really wish I had stayed in, I got the chance to fly and learn about AF equipment and drill. It was in CAP that I first took the controls of an aircraft, it was amazing. Sadly that was the only time, but I dont plan on it ending there

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i completely agree. im thinking about getting back in there. i guess im a little scared, even though i know EVERYONE there and i probably march and i know i yell better than all of them. as the mascot i knew the motto, the honor code and i could present colors and a lot of the actual cadets couldnt do any of that. my brothere took great pride in that lol. i loved yelling at the new people. scare the crap out of them.


good luck man!

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