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How many guys have fallen in love BEFORE SEX?? How long until.."I love you" ?

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I'm a virgin and am planning on keeping it that way for quite a while..or well I'm not ready for now anyways.. but I do have a boyfriend of about 2 weeks. I sense that he is pretty much hooked on me, e.g. he even rung me to remind me of our 1 week anniversary(!) we were great friends for a long time beforehand, and I'm quite sure he sees our relationship as long term.


A lot of people have said, men fall in love through having sex with the girl, because that's how they express their feelings: physically. Just wandering, is it really the case? How many times have you guys fallen in love with a girl before having sex with her?


Just wandering how long it might take to hear the words 'I love you'...


Please share experiences! Thanks !

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That's non-sense.


If you want to see if a guy loves you, just say i don't have sex until after i am married. If they leave you , you'l know they just wanted you for your body. If they are willing to wait, then you know they really love you.


Love comes first, sex later, because without love your relationship is meaningless.


Although sex is natural and plays an important part in any relationship, in the end you want someone who really loves you, and who's not after you just for sex or your body.

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My ex and I (my first bf, my first everything) "fell in love" 4-5 months into the relationship. I say "fell in love" because I dont think either of us really knew what love was at the time. After another 7-8 months we really did realize we loved eachother and we knew that our relationship had a good foundation so at that point we decided to have sex. It was something that was important to both of us and didnt need to be rushed into.


Yes, having sex can be an expression of love, but you dont HAVE to have sex to show your love. If you feel that it is important to be in love before having sex, I would wait until the initial euphoria wears off and you know this guy is going to stick around. Even if you two feel like you are in love, if this is new to you both, you may not really know in which case I suggest waiting it out.


Its up to you in the end, just make sure you dont do anything you're not comfortable with and you should be fine.

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I'm a virgin and am planning on keeping it that way for quite a while..or well I'm not ready for now anyways.. but I do have a boyfriend of about 2 weeks. I sense that he is pretty much hooked on me, e.g. he even rung me to remind me of our 1 week anniversary(!) we were great friends for a long time beforehand, and I'm quite sure he sees our relationship as long term.


A lot of people have said, men fall in love through having sex with the girl, because that's how they express their feelings: physically. Just wandering, is it really the case? How many times have you guys fallen in love with a girl before having sex with her?


Just wandering how long it might take to hear the words 'I love you'...


Please share experiences! Thanks !


My last Girlfriend and I told each other I love you before we had sex. I decided I wouldn't tell a girl the 3 words until I knew I meant it. It was 3 months into the relationship. Neither of us were virgins. Wait for awhile 2 weeks is nothing. BTW the girls I slept with right away never amounted to anything.

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I'm a virgin and am planning on keeping it that way for quite a while..or well I'm not ready for now anyways.. but I do have a boyfriend of about 2 weeks. I sense that he is pretty much hooked on me, e.g. he even rung me to remind me of our 1 week anniversary(!) we were great friends for a long time beforehand, and I'm quite sure he sees our relationship as long term.


A lot of people have said, men fall in love through having sex with the girl, because that's how they express their feelings: physically. Just wandering, is it really the case? How many times have you guys fallen in love with a girl before having sex with her?


Just wandering how long it might take to hear the words 'I love you'...


Please share experiences! Thanks !


I am a virgin as well and can tell you any guy like this is in search of casual sex, not relationships. You would be crazy not to dump a guy like this.

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I knew I loved my girlfriend when I could say that I would unconditionally give my life for her. That seemed to be the turning point and what made me sure.


I am willing to risk my life for a number of people, but to be willing to give it outright, for me, takes love for that person.


It had nothing to do with sex.


Although I must say, coincidentally, my g/f and I had sex the very night I first told her I loved her. So I think there is a connection between sex and love, maybe just not exactly the way you are looking at it.


Also men feel emotion through sex, so there is at least some basis for an argument that love can be strengthened through sex and intimacy. And for some men they may need the intimacy. I don't know for sure.


If you took away our shared intimacy before I told her I loved her, I don't know if the feelings would have developed as they did. There are a lot of ways to be extremely intimate without penetrative sex. I personally DO need a lot of physical contact and am very sexual. I doubt I would experience any form of romantic love without the tactile part of it. Love in general sure, but not romantic love.

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This might not be easily generalizable, I am not a man, but I don't fall in love without having sex either..

On the other hand, it also depends on the person about when he will say I love you to you..Does he know that you are a virgin-and that you are planning to stay like that for a while?

If he is someone who is willing and wanting to have sex in a relationship, I don't think you can expect him to love you even if you are not willing to have sex..and I don't think you can judge a man's worth by whether or not he is willing to give up sex for the love that he fells towards you. Love and sex come together, if he compartmentalizes sex and love separately, than don't you see another problem?

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