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ive posted a thread here a few weeks ago where i stated that i wnated my bf of 2 years to do more romantic things. and i got the suggestions to do some things romantic for him to set an example. i set up a picnic in a park, we had ar eally fun night with champagne at a hotel and ive given him tons of massages and ive just tried to be as romantic as i can be. we even went on a 3 day trip to a bed and breakfast a few hours away. this was all my idea. he was into it and everything but i kinda wish hed start doing some things.

he used to always buy me flowers and do special things to surprise me. that was months ago. i know i cant MAKE him do anything but sometimes i just want to be relaly surprised. like even something simple. it doesnt have to be a weekend getaway, it could be him making me a thoughtful card and giving me flowers. or makign dinner for the two of us. we are really happy together and have a great time hanging out i just wish sometimes that hed do something to make me feel special cos lately i havent felt that way.

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i haven't read ur previous posts but....if u've already had serious talks with him and set up examples too, and he still doesn't really do anything....then just accept the fact that maybe he's just not the romantic type. i mean....some guys just aren't. he could force himself to...but trust me, u won't really enjoy the things anyways. u'll be able to tell he doesn't really like doing these things. u'll see that its forced...now would u really enjoy that? i had an ex a few years back (i'm the guy btw) and i was the one that always came up with romantic things to do. she just wasn't the romantic type and i can't change that. i'd tell her to do some romantic things for me...and she would...but it just wasn't the same. i can tell she's only doing it becuz i told her to. If this is really important to u...like in the long run...then maybe u guys just aren't as compatible. if not, then just accept it.

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What if you make a day once a week "date night" and each of you trade off on what to do. So one time you make dinner, or rent a movie or go something romantic. Then next week it's his turn to do something romantic for the both of you.


Maybe he'll get the idea if it's something you both are to do. I've had trouble with this whole idea of "i wish you would do something special for me!!" and it's exploded into arguments. I think thought the last time he got the idea, but he still was pissy about it.


I don't know what else you could do without telling him straight out.

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After reading Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, the author explains to write a love letter explaining what you want more of and also compliment your partner on the things he/she is already doing.

This will help get the point accross without having to sound needy or confrontational.

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These are all good ideas for me too because I'm in the same boat...I've tried setting the example and also talking about it with him, but to no avail. I'm sort of holding out hope for our 1 year anniversary coming up on the 2nd...if he doesn't do anything for that then I'll have an even more serious talk

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