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dating comparisons

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Dang, I don't know what to say at times like these, I'm healing. But some things are preventing me from carrying on. I meet people, I hang out, but there's are times where I don't know what to do. I find myself lost at times. My problem: I think i still have feelings for the ex. (stupid unconditional love)


(NC is strict as always, it's like we've never meet. I guess it's better off this way.)


It's just that I've tried meeting people, dated around, and so far, not much luck in the dating world. I have to admit some of the girls can't compare to my ex (minus the cheating, and the person she is now) and I'm having trouble with dating the really good girls (e.g. cute/hot/nice/outging/funny/kind/caring/etc.)


I'm lost for words. I'm improving myself. But I don't want to settle for less. sometimes I really question a lot of things. It's tough, and it's going to be a cruel summer.



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the reason for those feelings honey is bcuz it's too soon for YOU to be dating anyone right now.


everyone is different and coping styles vary... but you're mind, heart and emotions are someone else... which is another reason why you need to heal by yourself and become emotionally and mentally stable before you move on into another relationship.


to do otherwise is only going to exacerbate the situation and is unfair to you and the potential other girl.

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I can relate. Since the ex moved on fast a few months ago, I tried to also find someone fast to replace her. I've dated at least 6 girls since then who had some potential. None of them compare to the ex. Some of them made me miss my ex more.


After a bad date it can be especially tempting to call the ex. But I've held strong - despite the frustrations I've maintined NC. Actually lately I've even decided that if the ex contacts me I probably won't respond.


But things are getting better. Even though I'm still single - I'm getting energy back and starting to direct it to improve my life. I really feel like I'm about to take off - in many ways. I'm reading, working on home reno's, getting in better shape etc. etc.

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