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Some of you have been following my story and helping me get through everything, and I want to say thank you. While we're not together again, I have a feeling that we will be. My ex is single again (I guess she finally got sick of the other guy...he was such a tool), and I'll be calling her in the next several weeks, as planned. I've done a lot of growing and gone through a lot of change since the breakup, as has she (she's lost 10 lbs, which is something she's wanted to do for a long, long time), and I think we can start working at getting back together soon. I still have her blocked on AIM, and I'm going to keep it that way for a at least another day, and maybe two, because I want her to keep wondering what I'm doing and that sort of thing. I'll be taking things nice and slow, because I don't want to push her away, but I feel like I'm finally able to go after what I want. Wish me luck everyone! I'll keep you updated!

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I agree with kell. Be careful. Her breaking up with the other guy is no guarantee she will want you back (aside from do you really want to be a backup?).


Until she says "I want to work on us and get back together, how can we do that", be cautious.

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Thanks guys. I am being very, very careful with how I approach this, because I was in a bad way for a little over two weeks. I'm still very much in love with her, but I'm going to be very cautious and guard my heart, as you suggested Kell, but I'm feeling pretty good right now.

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