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Ive fell down and i need help getting back up...

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Hi everyone,

im only new to this.... but i was wondering if anyone can help me. I feel very scared and alone and dont have anyone to confide in, almost everyday i think i would be alot easier just to end it all.... i cut almost everyday also, im so scared and alone and dont know what to do.... like i have so many problems i just dont know where to start....please some one any advice please help me...

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Ok well ive been abused sexually mentally physically and emotionally, my mother didnt want me at the age of 8 mnths so she gave me to people wh abused me also, and then when i was in contact with my real mum she killed my 4yo brother.... its almost his death anniversary. Every week is a new drama in my life... im just so over it.... i dont want to feel this way anymore and im sick and tired of cutting...please help

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Hi bubzley, it sounds like you have been through a lot in your life, and I'm so sorry to hear the terrible things you had to go through.


Who are you living with now? Are you still being abused?


Have you ever talked to a counselor before, or told the police about what has happened to you? What is your age?


I know those are a lot of questions to answer, but knowing will help us to help you.



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Sorry to hear that you were put in an unfortunate situation at such a young age. Things can get better though, and will provided you reach out to the right people.


Have you told anyone about this yet?


You're a very brave person for having shared your story here, by the way. It probably took a lot of courage and that is a positive step in the right direction.

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Im living with the same people i lived with when i was younger... i have just returned like about a month ago... Yes i am still being abused... but i dont show it. In anyway or show anyone... i keep it bottled up but i need help and this was the safest way i could see of doing it as on the internet noone really knows who you are and hopefully they wont judge you..


Yes i have spoken to a counsellor before... and i once told the police about one thing and its still taken 6yrs and nothings ever been done...I am 17yo and i will loose any support i could have when i turn 18 because thats how the system works in australia...


I need help but Im so scared to tell anyone and im so ashamed its not funny... i hate being me!! I feel so alone and im sick of crying and cutting....

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You need to connect with people who care, and express yourself. The cutting comes from bottling up feelings. Those feelings need to be expressed. This forum will help you do that. You have made an excellent choice in coming to this forum. Are you saying that if you get counseling, that you will lose benefits coming to you at age 18? What are your alternatives?

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Heyz bubzley!

Whats happening to you isnt fair or right and you need it to stop! You need to talk to someone so you can get out of this situation. You say you keep everything bottled up but why? Whats holding you back? You deserve to live a hap[py life just as much as everyone else and you shouldn't feel any shame! You have nothing to be ashamed about its the people who have done this to you that should be ashamed. As for the cutting just know that we are all here for you. instead of cutting when your really upset come on here and tell us how you feel... We'll always listen to you. Good luck and please try and seek help you deserve it

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Hy Bubzley

There are meny here who have been throw the fire and come out the other side, I am one and believe me when I say there are meny who will help all you need to do is give them the chance. There is a part if ENA for thows that cut them selfs have a look thoght the posts there.


Now that there is hope and you are stronger than you know, in side your self there some one good and kind who will once you find thoghts that can help with shine thorw.


Please give us here the chance to help you and I promis things will get better from this moment on it may take some time but never for get that one fact it will get better.

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