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How to ask for an incomplete for school?

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I want to ask my professor for an incomplete (at community college). I have been very depressed and it's getting increasingly harder to finish schoolwork. I hate missing assignments and exams but I am also feeling worse and worse.


What do I do? And what is the best way to ask that would get me the best possible answer? What should I say?


Any tips would help. Thanks.

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The first place I would go would be to talk to your school advisor. See if he/she can give any advice and find out what your school policies are. You could then find out what you need to do to follow through with this issue.


I hope this helps in some way. Have you spoken with anyone about how you feel? Do you know what the underlying issues that are causing you to feel this way? Do you want to talk?

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I think it would be best if I spoke with the professor directly but I'm not good at saying the right things or being very convincing or effective. So any speaking tips on the right words to say or phrase it would help.


I'll be okay. I need time to recollect myself. I have been exhausted, tired, and feeling badly lately, depressed. I wish professors would understand what depression is like.

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First, figure out if it is past the deadline to drop the course. If it is, talk to a counselor at your school. Let her know how much you care about getting good grades and how you value your education. Tell her that you've been depressed and ask her for advice. Don't suggest that she give you an incomplete right away - let her suggest that it would be the best option for you. If she does not suggest it, then you ask for it. Good luck.

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