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Gift ideas for dying father...

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I'm am so sorry to hear of this situation.


I think your best gift to him is your time and presense. Be with him, be there for him...


Agreed with frisco.


I am so sorry about your dad, hon. This will be a very tough time, but what he, and you, will appreciate and remember the most is the memories you have together. Make the most of what you have left.


When my mum was diagnosed, I wrote her a letter telling her how much I loved, and appreciated her, and how proud I am of her, and stated how positive a role model and mother she has been in my life. I gave it to her to read privately, and she was very grateful. It was a chance for me to say everything I wanted to to her in case I never got another chance, I think that would be a wonderful gift for him, and truly from the heart.

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