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Im actually thinking about Cheating OMFG!

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all i can say is dont cheat! It will never solve anything! you will feel guilty about it and then things will be worse! you need to take some time away from there to sort out your feelings. If your seeing both of them your going to be more confused. If this girl taelor girl liked you so much why did she let you go? why did it end if you both were in love with each other or if she was in love with you. I think you should be questioning this instead of being worried about who your gonna choose.

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Dont cheat, and im sorry but is this the first time you have seen Taelor since becoming an item with Sara?, actually hanging out i mean?


It may be just that Taelor realises she does not have your attention anymore. Ofcourse dont stop seeing Taelor if she is a friend, but think abotu Sara, seriously. Do you really want to risk losing her if this is just an attention situation?


Ive done this to boys before, i say boys because it was when i was 16-17 granted, but i had the attention of a boy, then he realised he couldt have me and got a g/f and then i was that way "i really wish id taken a chance with you" so he split up with his girlfriend, and i was gone.....


bleh, maybe you just need to see how serious it is

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Im sorry but im not gonna cheat. thx though


Good thing you reacted in time. Cheating would have branded you a label you would have to live for the rest of your live. Not only that but imagine if you had cheated on her and she founds out, is devastated, and the relation goes in ruins. Imagine when you get into a new relation, what would your story had been?? Not very good and it would have doom the new relation?? LOL, funny how I'm talking about the possible consequences in the future.

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1 Month ago I started going out with this girl named Sara. She is everything to me and means alot to me. But there is one problem.She is the kind of Girl Who doesnt show alot of affection. And i am that kind of guy. I could see myself seriously marrying this girl. I know she would never cheat or do anything to hurt me. Problem is is that she isnt the type that likes to talk on the phone or text msg or send emails back. So Im happy but at the same time a little frustrated.


Ok, there are a few things here you need to think about.


You are already thinking about cheating on this girl when you've only been with her for a MONTH. A month! Seriously, this short into the relationship is considered the infatuation/honeymoon phase, if you are already considering cheating, this is not a good sign. I don't see this relationship lasting.


You talk about how you could see yourself marrying this girl because she would never do anything to hurt you or cheat on you. All I can say is that many people who were cheated on or otherwise wronged by a loved one or spouse also thought they would never do anything to hurt them. You never really know what a person is capable of.


It sounds to me that you are really not in the mindset to be settling down with any one girl right now. I think the best thing you could do is return to the dating scene until you figure out exactly what it is that you want.

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OMG. my boyfriend is like your girlfriend. well was. i can completely understand where your coming from *waits for the hate mail* but i do understand what your feeling. its almost as though its not that you want to cheat but you just want someone to show you what you show them.its annoying, i knew he loved me as much as i did him but he just never showed it. but when i compramised the relationship, well brought up the issue i knew he couldnt, wouldnt lie. he did care. but i was just so frustrated that i could literally wait weeks and not hear a peep.he thought he was ringing at an inconvenient time. he thought but never said.it broke me.BUT dont cheat. its not worth it.i can understand though. so so well.

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