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How to make things more...interesting? O:)

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Hi guys. My boyfriend and I have been searching for ways to make making out more interesting and fun, but we haven't been very successful. If any of you could give us some suggestions, we'd be very appreciative. Please keep in mind that we're very strict on the no sex rule and we'd rather stay above the waist. Anything above the waist is fine, I suppose. All ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance!

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Yeah, there's this makeup line by Jessica Simpson called Dessert. It's overpriced and all but it seems they have some pretty kinky stuff. All kinds of flavored lip gloss, whipped body cream & sprinkles, lotions, perfume, etc. So licking each other's faces and bodies could be fun and delicious at the same time... or just weird. It depends on you and your bf's personality.


All kinds of kisses on the neck... from which you can work your way down to kisses on the chest, the nipples, the stomach... Yeah.


If you or your bf are good at them, massages are a good idea. Using tanning oil while at the beach is good. Using scented massaging oil in a dark room is even better.


Ice cubes in your mouth makes for cold kisses and I bet it would feel pretty neat to have cold kisses all over your body. lol.


Make out in a suana or hot tub. Make out in a pool. Make out in the ocean. Make out on the beach. Make out in the shower. Make out in the rain. Make out on top of the roof (ok, this one could be dangerous...)


I don't know about porn, seems kind of awkward, and a church, adult store, and movie theatre are kind of inappropriate. Sky-diving sure seems like fun though....


Straddle him.


Be creative. Whatever works for you guys and stays within your limits.

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Be more spontaneous, make out somewhere risque.

Take turns being the " dominant " kisser. Play tongue of war.

Tease kiss him more often.

Open your eyes really wide when making out and just stare at him ( lol j/k )


Sorry to hijack this thread, but I was wondering how to tease kiss effectively. Usually, after rough passionate kissing, I pull away and stare at her lips/eyes. It doesn't seem like she'll reel me in, so I end up coming back in by myself, which translates into "Hmm...I guess he's tired and taking a breather..." in my opinion, and I am definitely not tired...help?

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Well, if you back away, and they're still really into the mood, they'll just come right after you. Also, giving them a smirk or that kind of teasing smile, might work.


I'm not sure exactly how to pull off a "tease kiss"... and I don't think its that big of deal.


Oh, and Rock Chick, I just had a great makeout session today and I think one major thing to keep in mind is have fun. Sometimes the mood is romantic and sexy but sometimes it's great to just have fun and laugh about all the weird stuff you guys do together. Yeah, tongue of war is hilarious.



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Oh, and Rock Chick, I just had a great makeout session today and I think one major thing to keep in mind is have fun. Sometimes the mood is romantic and sexy but sometimes it's great to just have fun and laugh about all the weird stuff you guys do together. Yeah, tongue of war is hilarious.


Haha, that's good. We actually have done that kind of stuff (the laughing and goofing around) and it is fun. Thanks for the advice!

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you could probably play a little game with kissing...i just kinda made the game up in a split second as i started this post (my post was goin to be different) but you could try putting something tasty like cream or honey or something like a fruit juice on your partners body, or let him put the cream on himself in drops in different places. Turn the lights off, find each other, and you have to find all of the tasty drops of whatever it is, you can both enjoy the kissing sensation around the upper body and it will be tasty aswell

The lights off can work, but so can a blindfold, whatever you want..maybe even both.

The best advice i can give is to just use your craziest ideas and imaginations and don't be afraid to discuss them with each other, because one of those crazy ideas may just be incredibly fun for you both.


Have fun.

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Ooh. Me and my exboyfriend used to play this game which we named the "polo game" (as in the mint sweets). Basically one of us would have a polo in our mouth and the other would try and get it but the person with it in their mouth would have to try not to let them get it. Ends up in frantic kissing and trying not to kiss. Sounds a bit weird, but try it.


We also used to do another one where one of us would try not to let the other kiss our lips. So we'd kiss eachothers neck and face and try to kiss the other's lips. Sounds a bit weird again, but give it a go...we really liked it.


Like you, me and my boyfriend aren't quite ready for sex. We are more physical with eachother though. Try kissing in different places. My bf once lifted me up onto the kitchen cabinets.


Errrm...trying to think... We'd also blindfold eachother and kiss and stuff and give eachother massages.


Just have fun with eachother.

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Hmmm... my boyfriend sometimes has mints in his mouth when we make out, or I have this mint lipgloss I got for like 5 bucks which drives him crazy. Kissing in the pool is fun too, but nothing tops kissing in the rain. Even if I'm getting completely soaked and mascara is getting in my eye (I'm just a lil bit of a girly-girl haha) , there is nothing like it - and it can get pretty steamy even if all you're doing is kissing.


About the tease thing - after really rough/passionate kissing sometimes I'll make the pace slow down almost to a minimum on purpose where I just barely French kiss him verrry slowly, and then out of nowhere I'll become aggressive again and change things up. Hope that makes some sense... it's a little hard to explain in words...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am very proud of you for not having sex. I don't know why you decided not to have sex, but if you try to do a lot of things people are talking about here then you will probably end up having sex. If your goal is to turn each other on but not have sex you are really going into a dangerous area. Good luck at not having sex it is worth it.

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I am very proud of you for not having sex. I don't know why you decided not to have sex,


Thank you. It's just a very special thing to both of us that we don't want to waste on just anyone...we want to be married before even thinking about it. Plus, I don't want to run the risk of getting pregnant if protection backfires...it's just not worth it and I couldn't deal with my parents losing respect for me. It's just easier to use abstinence.


but if you try to do a lot of things people are talking about here then you will probably end up having sex. If your goal is to turn each other on but not have sex you are really going into a dangerous area.


We've actually talked about that with each other. We've been talking about how months ago we never even really considered doing some of the stuff we do now, and now we're talking about doing things that we never considered doing before, ever, and I asked him if he thought that by looking at the way we're moving now, if things would eventually lead to sex. He's strongly against it before marriage and I am too, and he said that we'll just have to be strong and fight it because it's just something that is absolutely not happening. So while there might be the temptation, our minds are stronger. We can fight it. Thank you for the concern!

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Well, i was against sex before mairrage, and so was my girlfriend (she to a MUCH MUCH greater extent). We've since been having sex and we're both ok with it. I suppose we sort of 'grew' into that sort of thinking. It's of my opinion that sex is perfectly safe if you use hormonal protection. That is to say, condoms can easily fail and be circumvented. But in almost every case hormonal birth control is effective.

Of course that's all about having unexpected mini people. As far as other moral and religious reasons i suppose i'm an immoral heathen

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