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always thinking back to my childhood

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Hi I don't know if I have a problem here but I noticed I'm always thinking back to when I was a kid and how I much I miss it, I'm only 23 now but I find myself always listen to music that was around in the late 80s early 90s as I enjoy it more, and like it more because it always cheers me up and motivates me and finds it sort of brings back memorys as a child, like going on holiday with the family and playing with friends, Its the same with computer games and tv I much more prefer to play old computer games and watch old tv programmes than new cuz of old memories and I think its better,


I find I don't show much intrest in anything new and modern as I seem to get bored and a little depressed but anything old from my childhood seems to lighten me up and excites me

I don't even watch tv anymore because I just don't think its as good as it used to be the same with music.

I feel I'm a bit stuck in the past and my friends now are always letting me know about it as Im 23 going 83

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Hi thunder,


Welcome to eNotAlone.


This is quite common as we all have fond memories of childhood when life (on hindsight) was much easier. See my avatar, she sort of was my first crush about 35 years ago. and I am still a trekie, albeit not fanatically.


Your second paragraph is interesting, you seem to lack self confidence and are fearful of "thundering into the future".


I also can say of myself that I fear life more than death, also McCoy told Spock so once - remember?.


Well, thunder, all I can say is, take up a bit of (trekie) optimism and fight on. The good shall prevail.


If you have specific things you fear like job, studying, interviews, talking to people, please post and we will try to help you.


Happy thundering


Edited: I also do not watch TV anymore (have no more TV for about 11 years) and my kid's watch only a little at grandpa's house. We and the kids do watch the odd movie though - on a computer.


Edited again: The web is a wonderful resource, put yourself into charge of yourself by researching (google).

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Yeah (: I do the same. but at least you found what makes you happy.

It says one thing for sure, You had a wonderful childhood!!

I prefer all the things from my childhood. I find it comes out even more once I had my son. It helps keep me grounded. With a better mind set, appreciating the old fashion things. It's wonderful to have memories you love, just never stop creating new ones.

some things NEVER change I'll always love the old music..

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I miss being a little kid LOL! It just seemed like things were so much better & I can relate to this post alot. I know I'm only 19 but I really miss when I was young! It seemed like I was ALOT more carefree,confident & just HAPPY compared to now!

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yea i've only been outta high school for like 5 years and i find myself sometimes thinking back to those times. i miss a lot of those friends and how much fun it actually was goin to class. maybe becuz it was so carefree back then...no worries, no stress, no heartbreaks lol...

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you sound like me!


Infact I own A Team DVDs and Magnum PI and Knightrider and I feel like its Saturday afternoon and Im curled on the floor watching them with my little brother, i sometimes feel really sad and cry about getting older, growing up. However my life is great, i have a good job, good money, excellent friends, family, boyfriend, I live alone in my own flat, but I cling to the past and I am relunctant to move with the times with regards to music too and I take the mick out of myself and say "in my day..." ha ha ha my friends say I live in the past too much.


I also hang onto a lot of heartache I suffered in the past and its not healthy.


Nostalgia = good

hung up on the past = bad

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Im only 18 and i think back about times when i was even smaller than i am now *smiles* i think its fabulous, im just a bit gutted i cant remember earlier than about 5 *giggles* oh how ill miss that later on... i wonder if... when you get older it begins to get harder to remember .. like when your 25, only remember from when your 8. thatll be unfortunate *sad face*fab times being a kid, id relive it. that i would.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi - I'm new. I woke up this morning feeling a wee bit lost ( as I usually do ) and was fed up with feeling alone and feeling like no one understands me. I was fed up of still dreaming about my ex five years into my new relationship and just long to move on. I frequently think about my past and somehow try to guage what I'm doing now by it instead of moving onwards and upwards.But evey day its a hard hard challange, questionning what I do everyday is right and true. The fact is we all live what is true - thats the reality - the bit I have a problem with is letting go of the past...it seems to be hawled along with me and I just want to cut it away - or at least just appreciate the good bits.

I feel like I'm going crackers alot of the time especially in the mornings. I'm 28 and still feel like I haven't achieved much. I've started to hear the clock ticking and it scares me.

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